• OUR LADY of CZĘSTOCHOWA: st Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland; source: own collectionOUR LADY of CZĘSTOCHOWA
    St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland
    source: own collection

Roman Catholic
St Sigismund parish
05-507 Słomczyn
85 Wiślana Str.
Konstancin deanery
Warsaw archdiocese, Poland

  • St SIGISMUND: St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland; source: own collectionSt SIGISMUND
    St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland
    source: own collection
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX c., feretory, St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland; source: own collectionSt SIGISMUND
    XIX c., feretory
    St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland
    source: own collection
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX c., feretory, St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland; source: own collectionSt SIGISMUND
    XIX c., feretory
    St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland
    source: own collection
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX c., feretory, St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland; source: own collectionSt SIGISMUND
    XIX c., feretory
    St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland
    source: own collection
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX c., feretory, St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland; source: own collectionSt SIGISMUND
    XIX c., feretory
    St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland
    source: own collection
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Martyrology of the clergy — Poland

XX century (1914 – 1989)

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  • PIETKIEWICZ Adolph; source: Roman Dzwonkowski, SAC, „Lexicon of Catholic clergy in USSR in 1917—1939 – Martirology”, ed. Science Society KUL, 1998, Lublin (www.russiacristiana.org), own collection; CLICK TO ZOOM AND DISPLAY INFOPIETKIEWICZ Adolph
    source: Roman Dzwonkowski, SAC, „Lexicon of Catholic clergy in USSR in 1917—1939 – Martirology”, ed. Science Society KUL, 1998, Lublin (www.russiacristiana.org)
    own collection




Adolph (pl. Adolf)

  • PIETKIEWICZ Adolph - Commemorative plaque, St Stanislaus church, Sankt Petersburg, source: ipn.gov.pl, own collection; CLICK TO ZOOM AND DISPLAY INFOPIETKIEWICZ Adolph
    Commemorative plaque, St Stanislaus church, Sankt Petersburg
    source: ipn.gov.pl
    own collection


diocesan priest


Latin (Roman Catholic) Church RCmore on
[access: 2014.09.21]

diocese / province

Lutsk‐Zhytomyr diocese (aeque principaliter)more on
[access: 2021.12.19]

date and place
of death


Arkhangelsktoday: Primorsky reg., Arkhangelsk oblast, Russia
more on
[access: 2022.08.05]

details of death

Arrested by the Russians on 07.02.1930.

Held in Bila Tserkev, Kharkiv and finally in Kiev prisons.

During a group trial of c. 30 Polish priests ministerin in Ukraine accused of „anti‐Russian activities”.

Pursuant to Art. 54‐10 of the Penal Code, on 10.05.1930 sentenced in Kiev by a criminal Russian GPU Council kangaroo court «GPU Troika» do 3 years of slave labour.

On 26.05.1930 transported to Yaroslav on Volga prison.

In 08.1932 released from prison but sentenced to 3 years exile.

Transported to the vicinity of Arkhangelsk, where lived in appalling conditions.

Soon there perished.

cause of death




sites and events

ArkhangelskClick to display the description, Forced exileClick to display the description, Jaroslav on Volga riverClick to display the description, Trial of 10‐12.05.1930Click to display the description, Kiev (Lyukyanivska)Click to display the description, Kharkiv (prison)Click to display the description

date and place
of birth


Klevantoday: Klevan hrom., Rivne rai., Rivne, Ukraine
more on
[access: 2021.09.17]

presbyter (holy orders)


positions held

1925 – 1930

administrator — Fastivform.: Chvastiv
today: Fastiv urban hrom., Fastiv rai., Kiev, Ukraine

more on
[access: 2020.11.27]
⋄ Exaltation of the Holy Cross RC parish ⋄ Kievtoday: Kiev city rai., Kiev city, Ukraine
more on
[access: 2023.03.02]
RC deanery — also: ministered in St John the Baptist in Bila Tserkva, St Alexander the Pope and Martyr in Kiev parishes, and in Kharkov

c. 1923 – c. 1925

administrator — Krasylivtoday: Krasyliv urban hrom., Proskuriv/Khmelnytskyi rai., Proskuriv/Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
more on
[access: 2021.09.17]
⋄ St Anne RC parish ⋄ Starokostiantynivtoday: Starokostiantyniv urban hrom., Proskuriv/Khmelnytskyi rai., Proskuriv/Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
more on
[access: 2021.09.17]
RC deanery

c. 1923

administrator — Kulchynytoday: Krasyliv urban hrom., Krasyliv rai., Proskuriv/Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
more on
[access: 2023.03.02]
⋄ St Bartholomew the Apostle RC parish ⋄ Starokostiantynivtoday: Starokostiantyniv urban hrom., Proskuriv/Khmelnytskyi rai., Proskuriv/Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
more on
[access: 2021.09.17]
RC deanery

c. 1914 – c. 1921

administrator — Ostropiltoday: Staryi Ostropil, Staryi Ostropil hrom., Proskuriv/Khmelnytskyi rai., Proskuriv/Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
more on
[access: 2021.09.17]
⋄ St Michael the Archangel RC parish ⋄ Zhytomyrtoday: Zhytomyr urban hrom., Zhytomyr rai., Zhytomyr, Ukraine
more on
[access: 2021.09.17]
RC deanery

c. 1912 – c. 1913

administrator — Shumsktoday: Shumsk urban hrom., Kremenets rai., Ternopil, Ukraine
more on
[access: 2020.11.13]
⋄ Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary RC parish ⋄ Kremenetstoday: Kremenets urban hrom., Kremenets rai., Ternopil, Ukraine
more on
[access: 2020.10.18]
RC deanery

c. 1913

administrator — Shumbartoday: Shumsk urban hrom., Kremenets rai., Ternopil, Ukraine
more on
[access: 2022.07.05]
⋄ Holy Trinity RC parish ⋄ Kremenetstoday: Kremenets urban hrom., Kremenets rai., Ternopil, Ukraine
more on
[access: 2020.10.18]
RC deanery — acting („ad interim”)

1905 – c. 1911

administrator — Ushomyrtoday: Ushomyr hrom., Korosten rai., Zhytomyr, Ukraine
more on
[access: 2023.03.02]
⋄ St Nicholas the Bishop and Confessor RC parish ⋄ Ovruchtoday: Ovruch urban hrom., Korosten rai., Zhytomyr, Ukraine
more on
[access: 2021.09.17]
RC deanery

c. 1898 – c. 1904

administrator — Kunivtoday: Iziaslav urban hrom., Shepetivka rai., Proskuriv/Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
more on
[access: 2023.03.02]
⋄ Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary RC parish ⋄ Iziaslav‐Ostrohdeanery name
today: Ukraine
RC deanery

till 1896

student — Zhytomyrtoday: Zhytomyr urban hrom., Zhytomyr rai., Zhytomyr, Ukraine
more on
[access: 2021.09.17]
⋄ philosophy and theology, Theological Seminary

others related
in death

BIENIECKIClick to display biography Joseph, BORECKIClick to display biography Stanislav, KARPIŃSKIClick to display biography Joseph, KASPRZYKOWSKIClick to display biography Stanislav, KOBEĆClick to display biography Anthony, KOWALSKIClick to display biography Joseph, KRUMMELClick to display biography Joseph, KUROWSKIClick to display biography Anthony, MADERAClick to display biography Peter, MARKUSZEWSKIClick to display biography Albin, MATUSZEWICZClick to display biography Anthony, MIODUSZEWSKIClick to display biography Joseph, PROKOPOWICZClick to display biography Theodore, STRONCZYŃSKIClick to display biography Victor Vincent, STRUSIEWICZClick to display biography Nicholas, SZYMAŃSKIClick to display biography Vaclav, TUROWSKIClick to display biography Maximilian, ŻMIGRODZKIClick to display biography John Joseph

sites and events

Arkhangelsk: Russian forced labour camp for prisoners and POWs. At the same time center of many Russian concentration camp, part of Gulag archipelago of camps, e.g. ITL Yagrinlag, KargopolLag, PPLp KotlasLag, OnetLag. (more on: pl.wikipedia.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2013.08.17]

Forced exile: One of the standard Russian forms of repression. The prisoners were usually taken to a small village in the middle of nowhere — somewhere in Siberia, in far north or far east — dropped out of the train carriage or a cart, left out without means of subsistence or place to live. (more on: en.wikipedia.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2014.12.20]

Jaroslav on Volga river: Harsh Russian prison for political prisoners — so‐called polit‐isolator — where dozens of catholic priest were held by the Russians, mainly in 1930s, before sending them to Solovetsky Islands concentration camp.

Trial of 10‐12.05.1930: Group trial of c. 30 Polish Catholic priests, one of a series of trials of Polish Catholic priests ministering in Ukraine, by a so‐called «Troika GPU», a Russian murderous kangaroo court that took place in Kiev. Most of the priest were sentences to years of slave labour in concentration camps and subsequently sent first to Yaroslav on Volga river prison and next to Solovetsky Island concentration camp. At least 18 did not return perishing in Russian concentration camps, places of mass executions or being deported to the east.

Kiev (Lyukyanivska): Russian political prison in Kiev, in the first half of 20th century run by the genocidal NKVD, informally referred to as prison No 1, formally as Investigative Prison No 13 (SIZO#13). It was founded in the early 19th century. In the 20th century, during the Soviet times, the prison church was transformed into another block of cells. During the reign of J. Stalin in Russia, more than 25,000 prisoners passed through it. (more on: en.wikipedia.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2014.09.21]

Kharkiv (prison): Russian criminal prison where in the 1930s a number of Catholic priests were held prior to being sent to Russian concentration camps.


biographies.library.nd.eduClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2014.12.20]
, ru.openlist.wikiClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2019.05.30]
, christking.infoClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2018.09.02]

Fate of the Catholic clergy in USSR 1917‐1939. Martyrology”, Roman Dzwonkowski, SAC, ed. Science Society KUL, 2003, Lublin
Parish priest of Lutsk–Żhytomyr 1801‐1920 and Kamyanets–Podilskyi 1869‐1919 dioceses”, Fr Waldemar Witold Żurek SDB, Lublin 2023
original images:
www.russiacristiana.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2014.12.20]
, ipn.gov.plClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2019.02.02]


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