• OUR LADY of CZĘSTOCHOWA: st Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland; source: own collectionOUR LADY of CZĘSTOCHOWA
    St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland
    source: own collection

Roman Catholic
St Sigismund parish
05-507 Słomczyn
85 Wiślana Str.
Konstancin deanery
Warsaw archdiocese, Poland

  • St SIGISMUND: St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland; source: own collectionSt SIGISMUND
    St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland
    source: own collection
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX c., feretory, St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland; source: own collectionSt SIGISMUND
    XIX c., feretory
    St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland
    source: own collection
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX c., feretory, St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland; source: own collectionSt SIGISMUND
    XIX c., feretory
    St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland
    source: own collection
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX c., feretory, St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland; source: own collectionSt SIGISMUND
    XIX c., feretory
    St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland
    source: own collection
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX c., feretory, St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland; source: own collectionSt SIGISMUND
    XIX c., feretory
    St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland
    source: own collection
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Martyrology of the clergy — Poland

XX century (1914 – 1989)

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  • SCHULZ Joseph Valentine, source: www.wtg-gniazdo.org, own collection; CLICK TO ZOOM AND DISPLAY INFOSCHULZ Joseph Valentine
    source: www.wtg-gniazdo.org
    own collection
  • SCHULZ Joseph Valentine, source: www.przewodnik-katolicki.pl, own collection; CLICK TO ZOOM AND DISPLAY INFOSCHULZ Joseph Valentine
    source: www.przewodnik-katolicki.pl
    own collection
  • SCHULZ Joseph Valentine, source: www.pomorska.pl, own collection; CLICK TO ZOOM AND DISPLAY INFOSCHULZ Joseph Valentine
    source: www.pomorska.pl
    own collection
  • SCHULZ Joseph Valentine - 1938, Bydgoszcz, source: kpbc.umk.pl, own collection; CLICK TO ZOOM AND DISPLAY INFOSCHULZ Joseph Valentine
    1938, Bydgoszcz
    source: kpbc.umk.pl
    own collection






Joseph Valentine (pl. Józef Walenty)

  • SCHULZ Joseph Valentine - Tombstone (cenotaph), Bydgoszcz Heroes cemetery, Bydgoszcz, source: www.cmentarze.bydgoszcz.pl, own collection; CLICK TO ZOOM AND DISPLAY INFOSCHULZ Joseph Valentine
    Tombstone (cenotaph), Bydgoszcz Heroes cemetery, Bydgoszcz
    source: www.cmentarze.bydgoszcz.pl
    own collection
  • SCHULZ Joseph Valentine - Commemorative plaque, St Martin and St Nicholas cathedral, Bydgoszcz, source: commons.wikimedia.org, own collection; CLICK TO ZOOM AND DISPLAY INFOSCHULZ Joseph Valentine
    Commemorative plaque, St Martin and St Nicholas cathedral, Bydgoszcz
    source: commons.wikimedia.org
    own collection
  • SCHULZ Joseph Valentine - Commemorative plaque, cathedral, Gniezno; source: thanks to Mr Jerzy Andrzejewski's kindness, own collection; CLICK TO ZOOM AND DISPLAY INFOSCHULZ Joseph Valentine
    Commemorative plaque, cathedral, Gniezno
    source: thanks to Mr Jerzy Andrzejewski's kindness
    own collection
  • SCHULZ Joseph Valentine - Commemorative plaque, cathedral, Gniezno; source: thanks to Mr Jerzy Andrzejewski's kindness, own collection; CLICK TO ZOOM AND DISPLAY INFOSCHULZ Joseph Valentine
    Commemorative plaque, cathedral, Gniezno
    source: thanks to Mr Jerzy Andrzejewski's kindness
    own collection


diocesan priest


Latin (Roman Catholic) Church RCmore on
[access: 2014.09.21]

diocese / province

Gniezno and Poznań archdiocese (aeque principaliter)more on
[access: 2012.11.23]

Military Ordinariate of Polandmore on
[access: 2014.12.20]

honorary titles

honorary canonmore on
[access: 2014.11.14]
(Poznań collegiate)

date and place
of death


KL Buchenwaldconcentration camp
today: n. Weimar, Weimar urban dist., Thuringia state, Germany

more on
[access: 2022.01.09]

alt. dates and places
of death

31.03.1940, 17.04.1940

details of death

During his secondary schooling till 1904 in gymnasium in Wągrowiec member of Polish secret self–educational Thomas Zan Society.

During Greater Poland Uprising of 1918‐1919 chaplain to the Polish insurgents.

After German invasion of Poland on 01.09.1939 (Russians invaded Poland 17 days later) and start of the World War II, on 03.09.1939 became a member of the city's Citizens' Committee.

On the same day, German saboteurs began to fire at the retreating Polish army and Polish civilians — as a result of the Polish reaction in the clashes, later called by the German National Socialist propaganda „Bloody Sunday”, c. 365 people died, including c. 250 of German nationality.

The next day, on 04.09.1939, became the vice–chairman of the Polish Citizens' Guard.

After the German army entered Bydgoszcz on 05.09.1939 — the Polish army had left the city earlier — took part in the capitulation negotiations, and, persuaded by the Germans, signed a proclamation calling on the inhabitants to remain calm, lay down their arms and return to work: in return, the Germans promised the inhabitants personal freedom, security and preservation of property.

And immediately broke their promises — on 07.09.1939, was arrested by the Germans.

Interrogated by the newly appointed German mayor of the city — harassed and beaten.

Jailed in military barracks' camp in Bydgoszcz.

On 21.09.1939 transported to KL Dachau concentration camp and from there on 26.09.1939 to KL Buchenwald concentration camp where slaved in quarries and where initially during harsh winter held under a tent with a single pled.

Finally murdered — starved to death in a solitary bunker where was forced to do the most difficult tasks.

Prob. poisoned or strangled.

prisoner camp's numbers

237 (KL BuchenwaldClick to display the description)

cause of death




sites and events

KL BuchenwaldClick to display the description, KL DachauClick to display the description, IL BrombergClick to display the description, «Intelligenzaktion»Click to display the description, Reichsgau Danzig‐WestpreußenClick to display the description, Pius XI's encyclicalsClick to display the description, Pius XI's encyclicalsClick to display the description, Greater Poland UprisingClick to display the description, Thomas Zan SocietiesClick to display the description

date and place
of birth


Kwasutytoday: hamlet of Miniszewo village, Janowiec Wielkopolski gm., Żnin pov., Kuyavia‐Pomerania voiv., Poland
more on
[access: 2021.12.18]

presbyter (holy orders)

09.02.1908 (Gniezno cathedralmore on
[access: 2014.11.14]

positions held

1931 – 1939

parish priest — Bydgoszcztoday: Bydgoszcz city pov., Kuyavia‐Pomerania voiv., Poland
more on
[access: 2021.06.20]
⋄ St Martin and St Nicholas the Bishops and Confessors RC parish (main parish)Bydgoszcz‐citydeanery name
today: Bydgoszcz city pov., Kuyavia‐Pomerania voiv., Poland

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[access: 2021.06.20]
RC deanery — also: prison chaplain, deanery notary and county inspector of religion classes in elementary schools (c. 1932‐1939)

1917 – 1931

General secretary — Poznańtoday: Poznań city pov., Greater Poland voiv., Poland
more on
[access: 2021.07.18]
⋄ Union of Polish Women's Youth Associations — initially: director

1917 – 1931

resident — Poznańtoday: Poznań city pov., Greater Poland voiv., Poland
more on
[access: 2021.07.18]
⋄ St Adalbert the Bishop and Martyr RC parish ⋄ Poznańtoday: Poznań city pov., Greater Poland voiv., Poland
more on
[access: 2021.07.18]
RC deanery — prob. with a break for ministry in Kościan

1925 – 1927

curatus/rector/expositus — Kościantoday: Kościan gm., Kościan pov., Greater Poland voiv., Poland
more on
[access: 2021.07.18]
⋄ Holy Spirit RC church ⋄ Blessed Virgin Mary of the Assumption RC parish ⋄ Kościantoday: Kościan gm., Kościan pov., Greater Poland voiv., Poland
more on
[access: 2021.07.18]
RC deanery

1919 – 1920

treasury officer / procurator — Poznańtoday: Poznań city pov., Greater Poland voiv., Poland
more on
[access: 2021.07.18]
⋄ Archbishop's Theological Seminary (Collegium Leoninum)

1914 – 1917

administrator — Myjomicetoday: Kępno gm., Kępno pov., Greater Poland voiv., Poland
more on
[access: 2021.12.18]
⋄ All the Saints RC parish ⋄ Kępnotoday: Kępno gm., Kępno pov., Greater Poland voiv., Poland
more on
[access: 2021.05.30]
RC deanery

1910 – 1914

vicar — Ostrzeszówtoday: Ostrzeszów gm., Ostrzeszów pov., Greater Poland voiv., Poland
more on
[access: 2021.05.30]
⋄ Blessed Virgin Mary of the Assumption RC parish ⋄ Ostrzeszówtoday: Ostrzeszów gm., Ostrzeszów pov., Greater Poland voiv., Poland
more on
[access: 2021.05.30]
RC deanery

1909 – 1910

administrator — Śmieszkowoform.: Śmieszków
today: Sława gm., Wschowa pov., Lubusz voiv., Poland

more on
[access: 2021.07.18]
⋄ St Andrew the Apostle RC parish ⋄ Wschowatoday: Wschowa gm., Wschowa pov., Lubusz voiv., Poland
more on
[access: 2021.07.18]
RC deanery


vicar — Śmieszkowoform.: Śmieszków
today: Sława gm., Wschowa pov., Lubusz voiv., Poland

more on
[access: 2021.07.18]
⋄ St Andrew the Apostle RC parish ⋄ Wschowatoday: Wschowa gm., Wschowa pov., Lubusz voiv., Poland
more on
[access: 2021.07.18]
RC deanery

1908 – 1909

vicar — Brennotoday: Wijewo gm., Leszno pov., Greater Poland voiv., Poland
more on
[access: 2022.01.10]
⋄ St Hedwig of Silesia RC parish


vicar — Otorowotoday: Szamotuły gm., Szamotuły pov., Greater Poland voiv., Poland
more on
[access: 2021.07.15]
⋄ All the Saints RC parish ⋄ Lwówektoday: Lwówek gm., Nowy Tomyśl pov., Greater Poland voiv., Poland
more on
[access: 2020.11.27]
RC deanery

till 1908

student — Gnieznotoday: Gniezno urban gm., Gniezno pov., Greater Poland voiv., Poland
more on
[access: 2021.12.18]
⋄ philosophy and theology, Archbishop's Practical Theological Seminary (Lat. Seminarium Clericorum Practicum)

from 1904

student — Poznańtoday: Poznań city pov., Greater Poland voiv., Poland
more on
[access: 2021.07.18]
⋄ philosophy and theology, Archbishop's Theological Seminary (Collegium Leoninum)

others related
in death

BUKOWSKIClick to display biography Leopold, DOMERACKIClick to display biography Joseph, DRWALClick to display biography Francis, DRWĘSKIClick to display biography Stanislav (Bro. Felician), GLAKOWSKIClick to display biography Stanislav, HANKEClick to display biography Francis, HAROŃSKIClick to display biography Leo, HUWERClick to display biography Joseph, KULISZClick to display biography Charles, KUPILASClick to display biography Francis, LANGNERClick to display biography Herbert, PANKOWSKIClick to display biography Marian, POLEDNIAClick to display biography Paul, ROGACZEWSKIClick to display biography Adalbert Theophilus, SEKRECKIClick to display biography Henry, STOCKClick to display biography Joseph

sites and events

KL Buchenwald: In German Germ. Konzentrationslager (Eng. concentration camp) KL Buchenwald concentration camp, founded in 1937 and operational till 1945, Germans held c. 238,380 prisoners and murdered approx. 56,000 of them, among them thousands of Poles. Prisoners were victims of pseudo‐scientific experiments, conducted among others by Behring‐Werke from Marburg and Robert Koch Institute from Berlin companies. They slaved for Gustloff in Weimar and Fritz‐Sauckel companies manufacturing armaments. To support Erla‐Maschinenwerk GmbH in Leipzig, Junkers in Schönebeck (airplanes) and Rautal in Wernigerode Germans organized special sub‐camps. In 1945 there were more than 100 such sub‐camps. Dora concentration camp was initially one of them, as well as KL Ravensbrück sub‐camps (from 08.1944). On 08.04.1945 Polish prisoner, Mr Guido Damazyn, used clandestinely constructed short wave transmitter to sent, together with a Russian prisoner, a short message begging for help. It was received and he got a reply: „KZ Bu. Hold out. Rushing to your aid. Staff of Third Army” (American). Three days later the camp was liberated. (more on: www.buchenwald.deClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2013.08.10]
, en.wikipedia.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2013.08.10]

KL Dachau: KL Dachau in German Bavaria, set up in 1933, became the main German Germ. Konzentrationslager (Eng. concentration camp) KL for Catholic priests and religious during World War II: On c. 09.11.1940, Reichsführer‐SS Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS, Gestapo and German police, as a result of the Vatican's intervention, decided to transfer all clergymen detained in various concentration camps to KL Dachau camp. The first major transports took place on 08.12.1940. In KL Dachau Germans held approx. 3,000 priests, including 1,800 Poles. The priests were forced to slave labor in the Germ. „Die Plantage” — the largest herb garden in Europe, managed by the genocidal SS, consisting of many greenhouses, laboratory buildings and arable land, where experiments with new natural medicines were conducted — for many hours, without breaks, without protective clothing, no food. They slaved in construction, e.g. of camp's crematorium. In the barracks ruled hunger, freezing cold in the winter and suffocating heat during the summer, especially acute in 1941‐1942. Prisoners suffered from bouts of illnesses, including tuberculosis. Many were victims of murderous „medical experiments” — in 11.1942 c. 20 were given phlegmon injections; in 07.1942 to 05.1944 c. 120 were used by for malaria experiments. More than 750 Polish clerics where murdered by the Germans, some brought to Schloss Hartheim euthanasia centre and murdered in gas chambers. At its peak KL Dachau concentration camps’ system had nearly 100 slave labour sub‐camps located throughout southern Germany and Austria. There were c. 32,000 documented deaths at the camp, and thousands perished without a trace. C. 10,000 of the 30,000 inmates were found sick at the time of liberation, on 29.04.1945, by the USA troops… (more on: www.kz-gedenkstaette-dachau.deClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2013.08.10]
, en.wikipedia.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2016.05.30]

IL Bromberg: Germ. „Internierungslager” (Eng. „Internment camp”) set up on 05.09.1939 — the day Germans took over Bydgoszcz — in 15 Greater Poland Light Artillery Regiment military barracks at 147 Gdańska Str. in Bydgoszcz. In 09.1939 only c. 3,500 Poles were jailed there. Prisoners were held in f. stables or f. armory building. They were maltreated and tortured. Some were shot on the spot (c. 28 victims in 09.1939). Next they were sent to concentration camps throughout Germany. Some were taken to mass execution sites in nearby forests and murdered. On 01.11.1939 the camp was moved to f. ammunition warehouses in Jachcice town district. The camp was closed in 12.1939. (more on: pl.wikipedia.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2015.09.30]

«Intelligenzaktion»: (Eng. „Action Intelligentsia”) — extermination program of Polish elites, mainly intelligentsia, executed by the Germans right from the start of the occupation in 09.1939 till around 05.1940, mainly on the lands directly incorporated into Germany but also in the so‐called General Governorate where it was called «AB‐aktion». During the first phase right after start of German occupation of Poland implemented as Germ. Unternehmen „Tannenberg” (Eng. „Tannenberg operation”) — plan based on proscription lists of Poles worked out by (Germ. Sonderfahndungsbuch Polen), regarded by Germans as specially dangerous to the German Reich. List contained names of c. 61,000 Poles. Altogether during this genocide Germans methodically murdered c. 50,000 teachers, priests, landowners, social and political activists and retired military. Further 50,000 were sent to concentration camps where most of them perished. (more on: en.wikipedia.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2014.10.04]

Reichsgau Danzig‐Westpreußen: After the Polish defeat in the 09.1939 campaign, which was the result of the Ribbentrop‐Molotov Pact and constituted the first stage of World War II, and the beginning of German occupation in part of Poland (in the other, eastern part of Poland, the Russian occupation began), the Germans divided the occupied Polish territory into five main regions (and a few smaller). The largest one was transformed into Germ. Generalgouvernement (Eng. General Governorate), intended exclusively for Poles and Jews and constituting part of the so‐called Germ. Großdeutschland (Eng. Greater Germany). Two were added to existing German provinces. From two other separate new provinces were created. Vistula Pomerania region was one of them, incorporated into Germany on 08.10.1939, by decree of the German leader Adolf Hitler (formally came into force on 26.10.1939), and on 02.11.1939 transformed into the Germ. Reichsgau Danzig‐Westpreußen (Eng. Reich District of Gdańsk‐West Prussia) province, in which the law of the German state was to apply. The main axis of the policy of the new province, the territory of which the Germans recognized as the Germ. „Ursprünglich Deutsche” (Eng. „natively German”), despite the fact that 85% of its inhabitants were Poles, was Germ. „Entpolonisierung” (Eng. „Depolonisation”), i.e. forced Germanization. C. 60,000 Poles were murdered in 1939‐1940, as part of the Germ. „Intelligenzaktion”, i.e. extermination of Polish intelligentsia and ruling classes, in c. 432 places of mass executions — including c. 220 Polish Catholic priests. The same number were sent to German concentration camps, from where few returned (over 300 priests were arrested, of whom c. 130 died in concentration camps). C. 124,000‐170,000 were displaced, including c. 90,000 to the Germ. Generalgouvernement. Poles were forced en masse to sign the German nationality list, the Germ. Deutsche Volksliste DVL. Polish children could only learn in German. It was forbidden to use the Polish language during Catholic Holy Masses and during confession. Polish landed estates were confiscated..To further reduce the number of the Polish population, Poles were sent to forced labor deep inside Germany. The remaining Poles were treated as low‐skilled labor, isolated from the Germans and strictly controlled — legally, three or three of them could only meet together, even in their own apartments. Many were conscripted into the German Wehrmacht army. After the end of hostilities of World War II, the overseer of this province, the Germ. Reichsstatthalter (Eng. Reich Governor) and the Germ. Gauleiter (Eng. district head) of the German National Socialist Party, Albert Maria Forster, was executed. (more on: en.wikipedia.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2024.06.24]

Pius XI's encyclicals: Facing the creation of two totalitarian systems in Europe, which seemed to compete with each other, though there were more similarities than contradictions between them, Pope Pius XI issued in 03.1937 (within 5 days) two encyclicals. In the „Mit brennender Sorge” (Eng. „With Burning Concern”) published on 14.03.1938, condemned the national socialism prevailing in Germany. The Pope wrote: „Whoever, following the old Germanic‐pre‐Christian beliefs, puts various impersonal fate in the place of a personal God, denies the wisdom of God and Providence […], whoever exalts earthly values: race or nation, or state, or state system, representatives of state power or other fundamental values of human society, […] and makes them the highest standard of all values, including religious ones, and idolizes them, this one […] is far from true faith in God and from a worldview corresponding to such faith”. On 19.03.1937, published „Divini Redemptoris” (Eng. „Divine Redeemer”), in which criticized Russian communism, dialectical materialism and the class struggle theory. The Pope wrote: „Communism deprives man of freedom, and therefore the spiritual basis of all life norms. It deprives the human person of all his dignity and any moral support with which he could resist the onslaught of blind passions […] This is the new gospel that Bolshevik and godless communism preaches as a message of salvation and redemption of humanity”… Pius XI demanded that the established human law be subjected to the natural law of God , recommended the implementation of the ideal of a Christian state and society, and called on Catholics to resist. Two years later, National Socialist Germany and Communist Russia came together and started World War II. (more on: www.vatican.vaClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2023.05.28]
, www.vatican.vaClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2023.05.28]

Pius XI's encyclicals: Facing the creation of two totalitarian systems in Europe, which seemed to compete with each other, though there were more similarities than contradictions between them, Pope Pius XI issued in 03.1937 (within 5 days) two encyclicals. In the „Mit brennender Sorge” (Eng. „With Burning Concern”) published on 14.03.1938, condemned the national socialism prevailing in Germany. The Pope wrote: „Whoever, following the old Germanic‐pre‐Christian beliefs, puts various impersonal fate in the place of a personal God, denies the wisdom of God and Providence […], whoever exalts earthly values: race or nation, or state, or state system, representatives of state power or other fundamental values of human society, […] and makes them the highest standard of all values, including religious ones, and idolizes them, this one […] is far from true faith in God and from a worldview corresponding to such faith”. On 19.03.1937, published „Divini Redemptoris” (Eng. „Divine Redeemer”), in which criticized Russian communism, dialectical materialism and the class struggle theory. The Pope wrote: „Communism deprives man of freedom, and therefore the spiritual basis of all life norms. It deprives the human person of all his dignity and any moral support with which he could resist the onslaught of blind passions […] This is the new gospel that Bolshevik and godless communism preaches as a message of salvation and redemption of humanity”… Pius XI demanded that the established human law be subjected to the natural law of God , recommended the implementation of the ideal of a Christian state and society, and called on Catholics to resist. Two years later, National Socialist Germany and Communist Russia came together and started World War II. (more on: www.vatican.vaClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2023.05.28]
, www.vatican.vaClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2023.05.28]

Greater Poland Uprising: Military insurrection of Poles of former German Germ. Posen Provinz (Eng. Poznań province) launched against German Reich in 1918‐1919 — after the abdication on 09.11.1918 of the German Emperor William II Hohenzollern; after the armistice between the Allies and Germany signed on 11.1.1918 in the HQ wagon in Compiègne, the headquarters of Marshal of France Ferdinand Foch — which de facto meant the end of World War I — against the German Weimar Republic, established on the ruins of the German Empire, aiming to incorporate lands captured by Prussia during partitions of Poland in XVIII century into Poland, reborn in 1918. Started on 27.12.1918 in Poznań and ended on 16.02.1919 with the armistice in Trier (which included provisions ordering the Germans to stop their actions against Poland), which meant a de facto Polish victory. Many Polish priests took part in the Uprising, both as chaplains of the insurgents units and members and leaders of the Polish agencies and councils set up in the areas covered by the Uprising. In 1939 after German invasion of Poland and start of the World War II those priests were particularly persecuted by the Germans and majority of them were murdered. (more on: en.wikipedia.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2016.08.14]

Thomas Zan Societies: Secret societies of Polish youth, aiming at self‐education, patriotic in form and content, functioning 1830‐1920, in mutiny against enforced Germanisation and censure of Polish culture, mainly in secondary schools — gymnasia — mainly in Greater Poland (Wielkopolska) and later in Silesia. The first groups were formed in 1817. In 1897 a congress in Bydgoszcz was held when rules of clandestine activities were formulated. At other congress in Bydgoszcz in Poznań a „Red Rose” society was formed, heading all others groups in various gymnasiums and coordinating their activities. In 1900 „Red Rose” consolidated Philomaths organizations from Pomerania as well. After Toruń trial of Pomeranian Philomaths in Toruń Germans arrested 24 members of Thomas Zan Society from Gniezno. 21 of them were sentenced up to 6 weeks in prison and reprimands. All were relegated from schools without the right to continue education in secondary and higher schools in Prussia. Despite repression the Societies existed till 1918 and rebirth of Poland. (more on: pl.wikipedia.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2021.12.19]


www.wtg-gniazdo.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2012.11.23]
, pl.wikipedia.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2013.08.10]
, www.archiwum.archidiecezja.plClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2013.08.10]

Martyrology of the Polish Roman Catholic clergy under nazi occupation in 1939‐1945”, Victor Jacewicz, John Woś, vol. I‐V, Warsaw Theological Academy, 1977‐1981
original images:
www.wtg-gniazdo.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2012.11.23]
, www.przewodnik-katolicki.plClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2015.09.30]
, www.pomorska.plClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2015.09.30]
, kpbc.umk.plClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2021.05.20]
, www.cmentarze.bydgoszcz.plClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2014.01.06]
, commons.wikimedia.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2014.01.06]


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