St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland
    source: own collection

Roman Catholic
St Sigismund parish
05-507 Słomczyn
85 Wiślana Str.
Konstancin deanery
Warsaw archdiocese, Poland

    St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland
    source: own collection
    XIX c., feretory
    St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland
    source: own collection
    XIX c., feretory
    St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland
    source: own collection
    XIX c., feretory
    St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland
    source: own collection
    XIX c., feretory
    St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland
    source: own collection
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Martyrology of the clergy — Poland

XX century (1914 – 1989)

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  • PACEWICZ Vaclav
    source: www.pomorska.pl
    own collection




Vaclav (pl. Wacław)


diocesan priest


Latin (Roman Catholic) Church RCmore on
[access: 2014.09.21]

diocese / province

Gniezno and Poznań archdiocese (aeque principaliter)more on
[access: 2012.11.23]

Mogilev archdiocesemore on
[access: 2013.06.23]

honorary titles

honorary canonmore on
[access: 2014.11.14]
(St Mark basilica in Romemore on
[access: 2017.05.20]

date and place
of death


Bydgoszcztoday: Bydgoszcz city pov., Kuyavia‐Pomerania voiv., Poland
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[access: 2021.06.20]

details of death

On 03.02.1918, during World War I of 1914‐1918, the 1st Polish Corps — formed starting on 24.07.1917, under the command of General Joseph Dowbor–Muśnicki, in Russia — entered Bobruisk. After the putsch by the Bolsheviks, financed by the Germans, in Sankt Petersburg in 11.1917 and conclusion by them of a separatist armistice with the Central Powers (Germany and Austria–Hungary) on 17.12.1917, the Corps was in practice considered an enemy by the Bolsheviks — among other things, they refused to supply it. Was stationed there for a short time, as already on 10.04.1918 — after the signing of a peace treaty on 03.03.1918 in Brest by the Central Powers and Bolshevik Russia, within the framework of which the Germans, among other things, were to take control of Belarus, and thanks to which the Bolsheviks could consolidate their power — its demobilization began. Disbandment and disarmament — under threat of force — took place on 21.05.1918. The first, short period of Polish rule in Bobruisk, in his parish, where many Poles lived, ended. Most of the soldiers of the Corps returned to their home territories, occupied by the Central Powers, in Poland. The last soldiers of the Corps left Bobruisk on 08.07.1918.

After the defeat of the Central Powers and the end of World War I, after the rebirth of the Polish state on 11.11.1918, the Polish–Russian War of 1919‐1921 broke out in 1919. On c. 08.08.1919, the Polish preventive offensive began, during which the Polish Army broke through the Russian front north of Minsk. On 28.08.1919, it captured Bobruisk and based the front line on the Berezina and Dvina rivers. The second period of Polish rule began in his Bobruisk parish, referred to as the „Bobruisk Republic”.

On 05.07.1920, however, the final Russian offensive began. The Polish Army was forced to retreat along the entire long front of battles — from the north and the border with Latvia, to the south in Ukraine. Prob. left Bobruisk at that time, together with a large contingent of his parishioners, and moved to central Poland (initially prob. to Poznań). After the Polish triumph in the Battle of Warsaw on.

c. 15.08.1920 (known as the „Miracle on the Vistula”), the Russians were pushed out of Poland, however, when an armistice was concluded, the front stopped before Minsk. This was confirmed by the peace treaty in Riga of 18.03.1921. Bobruisk and the lands along the Berezina River, inhabited to a large extent by the former Polish provincial nobility, remained in Bolshevik Russia and never returned to Poland.

Settled in Bydgoszcz, in the Gniezno diocese.

After the German and Russian invasion of Poland in 09.1939 and the beginning of World War II, after start of German occupation, found himself, in unknown circumstances, in Warsaw occupied by the Germans, in the Germ. Generalgouvernement (Eng. General Governorate).

After the Warsaw Uprising of 08‐10.1944 returned to Bydgoszcz.

On 11.03.1945, after the Germans had been expelled and the Russian occupation had begun — the Russians captured Bydgoszcz on 24.01.1945, during the so‐called Vistula–Oder operation, which ultimately led to the defeat of Germany in 05.1945 — arrested by the Russian controlled Commie‐Nazi secret service UB on 11.03.1945.

Murdered in prison.

His quartered body was thrown into the Brda river.

cause of death



Russians / Poles

sites and events

Warsaw UprisingClick to display the description, GeneralgouvernementClick to display the description, Ribbentrop‐MolotovClick to display the description, Pius XI's encyclicalsClick to display the description, Polish‐Russian war of 1919‐1921Click to display the description

date and place
of birth


presbyter (holy orders)


positions held

1920 – c. 1939

resident — Bydgoszcztoday: Bydgoszcz city pov., Kuyavia‐Pomerania voiv., Poland
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[access: 2021.06.20]
⋄ St Martin and St Nicholas the Bishops and Confessors RC parish (main parish)Bydgoszcztoday: Bydgoszcz city pov., Kuyavia‐Pomerania voiv., Poland
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[access: 2021.06.20]
RC deanery — chaplain of Polish emigrants from the Polish Borderlands, which — after the Treaty of Riga in 1921, ending the Polish–Russian War of 1919‐1921 — remained in Bolshevik Russia and who thus decided to leave their homeland to settle in Poland

from 1920

prefect — Bydgoszcztoday: Bydgoszcz city pov., Kuyavia‐Pomerania voiv., Poland
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[access: 2021.06.20]
— from 1935, the Uniform School Society's Mary Skłodowska–Curie Gymnasium; from 1930, a humanities gymnasium for girls belonging to the Society of Teachers of Secondary and Higher Schools TNSW; 1920‐1921, TNSW's Borderlands Gymnasium for boys; a departmental school for boys; the Municipal School of Commerce; also: c. 1926, director of a private TNSW gymnasium

1913 – c. 1920

dean — Babruysktoday: Babruysk dist., Mogilev reg., Belarus
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[access: 2020.12.11]
RC deanery ⋄ Minsk RC diocese ⋄ Mogilev RC archdiocese

1913 – c. 1920

parish priest — Babruysktoday: Babruysk dist., Mogilev reg., Belarus
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[access: 2020.12.11]
⋄ Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary RC parish ⋄ Babruysktoday: Babruysk dist., Mogilev reg., Belarus
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[access: 2020.12.11]
RC deanery ⋄ Minsk RC diocese ⋄ Mogilev RC archdiocese — also: in c. 1919‐1920 chairman of the local branch of the Central Welfare Council RGO, the largest Polish self–help organization

1907 – 1912

parish priest — Chotajewiczetoday: Oktyabr, Oktyabr ssov., Lahoysk dist., Minsk reg., Belarus
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[access: 2023.01.18]
⋄ St Dominica RC parish ⋄ Barysawtoday: Barysaw dist., Minsk reg., Belarus
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[access: 2022.09.11]
RC deanery ⋄ Minsk RC diocese ⋄ Mogilev RC archdiocese

till 1905

student — Sankt Petersburgtoday: Saint Petersburg city, Russia
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[access: 2020.07.31]
⋄ philosophy and theology, Metropolitan Theological Seminary — prob.

others related
in death

ADAMSKIClick to display biography Ignatius, BAJEROWICZClick to display biography Adalbert Stanislav, BINEKClick to display biography Silvester, DĄBROWSKIClick to display biography Steven, DUDZIŃSKIClick to display biography Stanislav, GIEBUROWSKIClick to display biography Vaclav Casimir, GRASZYŃSKIClick to display biography Alphonse, HAŁASClick to display biography Anthony, HEYDUCKIClick to display biography Ceslav, KANIEWSKIClick to display biography Zbigniew, KAŹMIERSKIClick to display biography Boleslav, KRUSZKAClick to display biography Steven, MICHALSKIClick to display biography Stanislav, NIKLEWICZClick to display biography Ceslav Stanislav, PANEWICZClick to display biography Roman, PANKOWSKIClick to display biography Peter Romualdo Casimir, ROSENBERGClick to display biography Louis, SOŁTYSIŃSKIClick to display biography Romualdo, STEINMETZClick to display biography Paul, ŚPIKOWSKIClick to display biography Marian, TACZAKClick to display biography Theodore, THEINERTClick to display biography Roman Sigismund, WIERZCHACZEWSKIClick to display biography Maximilian, WOLSKIClick to display biography Francis, ZALEWSKIClick to display biography Edward, ZWOLSKIClick to display biography Steven

sites and events

Warsaw Uprising: Lasted from 01.08.1944 till 03.10.1944. Was an attempt to liberate Polish capital from occupying Germans by the Polish Clandestine State — a unique in the history of the world political structure on the territories occupied by the Germans, effectively governing clandestinely in Poland — and by fighting on its behalf underground military units, mainly of Home Army (former Armed Struggle Association ZWZ) and National Armed Forced (NSZ). At the same time Russians stopped on purpose the offensive on all front, halted on the other bank of Vistula river and watched calmly the annihilation of the city, refusing even the mid‐landing rights to the Allied planes carrying weapons and supplies to the insurgents from Italy. During the Uprising Germans murdered approx. 200,000 Poles, mainly civilians. Approx. 200 priests and nuns died in fighting or were murdered by the Germans, many in mass executions. (more on: en.wikipedia.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2013.08.17]

Generalgouvernement: After the Polish defeat in the 09.1939 campaign, which was the result of the Ribbentrop‐Molotov Pact and constituted the first stage of World War II, and the beginning of German occupation in part of Poland (in the other, eastern part of Poland, the Russian occupation began), the Germans divided the occupied Polish territory into five main regions. In two of them new German provinces were created, two other were incorporated into other provinces. However, the fifth part was treated separately, and in a political sense it was supposed to recreate the German idea from 1915 (during World War I, after the defeat of the Russians in the Battle of Gorlice in 05.1915) of creating a Polish enclave within Germany. Illegal in the sense of international law, i.e. Hague Convention, and public law, managed by the Germans according to separate laws — especially established for the Polish Germ. Untermenschen (Eng. subhumans) — till the Russian offensive in 1945 it constituted part of the Germ. Großdeutschland (Eng. Greater Germany). Till 31.07.1940 formally called Germ. Generalgouvernement für die besetzten polnischen Gebiete (Eng. General Government for the occupied Polish lands) — later simply Germ. Generalgouvernement (Eng. General Governorate), as in the years 1915‐1918. From 07.1941, i.e. after the German attack on 22.06.1941 against the erstwhile ally, the Russians, it also included the Galicia district, i.e. the Polish pre‐war south‐eastern voivodeships. A special criminal law was enacted and applied to Poles and Jews, allowing for the arbitrary administration of the death penalty regardless of the age of the „perpetrator”, and sanctioning the use of collective responsibility. After the end of the military conflict of the World War UU, the government of the Germ. Generalgouvernement was recognized as a criminal organization, and its leader, governor Hans Frank, guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity and executed. (more on: en.wikipedia.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2024.12.13]

Ribbentrop‐Molotov: Genocidal Russian‐German alliance pact between Russian leader Joseph Stalin and German leader Adolf Hitler signed on 23.08.1939 in Moscow by respective foreign ministers, Mr. Vyacheslav Molotov for Russia and Joachim von Ribbentrop for Germany. The pact sanctioned and was the direct cause of joint Russian and German invasion of Poland and the outbreak of the World War II in 09.1939. In a political sense, the pact was an attempt to restore the status quo ante before 1914, with one exception, namely the „commercial” exchange of the so‐called „Kingdom of Poland”, which in 1914 was part of the Russian Empire, fore Eastern Galicia (today's western Ukraine), in 1914 belonging to the Austro‐Hungarian Empire. Galicia, including Lviv, was to be taken over by the Russians, the „Kingdom of Poland” — under the name of the General Governorate — Germany. The resultant „war was one of the greatest calamities and dramas of humanity in history, for two atheistic and anti‐Christian ideologies — national and international socialism — rejected God and His fifth Decalogue commandment: Thou shall not kill!” (Abp Stanislav Gądecki, 01.09.2019). The decisions taken — backed up by the betrayal of the formal allies of Poland, France and Germany, which on 12.09.1939, at a joint conference in Abbeville, decided not to provide aid to attacked Poland and not to take military action against Germany (a clear breach of treaty obligations with Poland) — were on 28.09.1939 slightly altered and made more precise when a treaty on „German‐Russian boundaries and friendship” was agreed by the same murderous signatories. One of its findings was establishment of spheres of influence in Central and Eastern Europe and in consequence IV partition of Poland. In one of its secret annexes agreed, that: „the Signatories will not tolerate on its respective territories any Polish propaganda that affects the territory of the other Side. On their respective territories they will suppress all such propaganda and inform each other of the measures taken to accomplish it”. The agreements resulted in a series of meeting between two genocidal organization representing both sides — German Gestapo and Russian NKVD when coordination of efforts to exterminate Polish intelligentsia and Polish leading classes (in Germany called «Intelligenzaktion», in Russia took the form of Katyń massacres) where discussed. Resulted in deaths of hundreds of thousands of Polish intelligentsia, including thousands of priests presented here, and tens of millions of ordinary people,. The results of this Russian‐German pact lasted till 1989 and are still in evidence even today. (more on: en.wikipedia.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2015.09.30]

Pius XI's encyclicals: Facing the creation of two totalitarian systems in Europe, which seemed to compete with each other, though there were more similarities than contradictions between them, Pope Pius XI issued in 03.1937 (within 5 days) two encyclicals. In the „Mit brennender Sorge” (Eng. „With Burning Concern”) published on 14.03.1938, condemned the national socialism prevailing in Germany. The Pope wrote: „Whoever, following the old Germanic‐pre‐Christian beliefs, puts various impersonal fate in the place of a personal God, denies the wisdom of God and Providence […], whoever exalts earthly values: race or nation, or state, or state system, representatives of state power or other fundamental values of human society, […] and makes them the highest standard of all values, including religious ones, and idolizes them, this one […] is far from true faith in God and from a worldview corresponding to such faith”. On 19.03.1937, published „Divini Redemptoris” (Eng. „Divine Redeemer”), in which criticized Russian communism, dialectical materialism and the class struggle theory. The Pope wrote: „Communism deprives man of freedom, and therefore the spiritual basis of all life norms. It deprives the human person of all his dignity and any moral support with which he could resist the onslaught of blind passions […] This is the new gospel that Bolshevik and godless communism preaches as a message of salvation and redemption of humanity”… Pius XI demanded that the established human law be subjected to the natural law of God , recommended the implementation of the ideal of a Christian state and society, and called on Catholics to resist. Two years later, National Socialist Germany and Communist Russia came together and started World War II. (more on: www.vatican.vaClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2023.05.28]
, www.vatican.vaClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2023.05.28]

Polish‐Russian war of 1919‐1921: War for independence of Poland and its borders. Poland regained independence in 1918 but had to fight for its borders with former imperial powers, in particular Russia. Russia planned to incite Bolshevik‐like revolutions in the Western Europe and thus invaded Poland. Russian invaders were defeated in 08.1920 in a battle called Warsaw battle („Vistula river miracle”, one of the 10 most important battles in history, according to some historians). Thanks to this victory Poland recaptured part of the lands lost during partitions of Poland in XVIII century, and Europe was saved from the genocidal Communism. (more on: en.wikipedia.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2014.12.20]


www.pomorska.plClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2013.02.15]
, www.archiwum.archidiecezja.plClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2016.05.30]
, www.wtg-gniazdo.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2020.04.25]

original images:
www.pomorska.plClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2016.03.14]


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