Roman Catholic
St Sigismund parish
05-507 Słomczyn
85 Wiślana Str.
Konstancin deanery
Warsaw archdiocese, Poland
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Martyrology of the clergy — Poland
XX century (1914 – 1989)
personal data
Julius (pl. Juliusz)
diocesan priest
Latin (Roman Catholic) Church RCmore on
[access: 2014.09.21]
date and place
of death
KL Stutthofconcentration camp
today: Sztutowo, Sztutowo gm., Nowy Dwór Gdański pov., Pomerania voiv., Poland
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[access: 2022.01.09]
cause of death
extermination: murder / exhaustion
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KL StutthofClick to display the description
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of birth
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in death
BOLTClick to display biography Felix, BORKOWSKIClick to display biography Paul, BRUDNICKIClick to display biography Alexander, BRZEZIŃSKIClick to display biography Paul John, CZAPLEWSKIClick to display biography John Bruno, DOMACHOWSKIClick to display biography Joseph, FARULEWSKIClick to display biography Thaddeus, GÓRECKIClick to display biography Marian, GRABOWSKI–WIDŁAKClick to display biography Casimir, GUMPERTClick to display biography Steven Edward, KALINOWSKIClick to display biography Anthony, KARBAUMClick to display biography Ernest, KOMOROWSKIClick to display biography Bronislav, KREFFTClick to display biography Constantine Francis, KUBICKIClick to display biography Telesphorus, LESIŃSKIClick to display biography Alex, LESIŃSKIClick to display biography John, ŁĘGOWSKIClick to display biography Vladislav Leonard, MALINOWSKIClick to display biography Thaddeus, MAŃKOWSKIClick to display biography Alphonse, MATERNICKIClick to display biography Vladislav, MAZELLAClick to display biography John, NIEMIRClick to display biography Joseph, OSSOWSKIClick to display biography Valerian, POŁOMSKIClick to display biography Leo, RODZIŃSKAClick to display biography Stanislava (Sr Mary Julia), ROGACZEWSKIClick to display biography Francis, RÓŻYCKIClick to display biography Mieczyslav, RYGLEWICZClick to display biography John, SĄDECKIClick to display biography Bernard, SARNOWSKIClick to display biography Joseph, SCHULZClick to display biography Alphonse Vaclav, SEPEŁOWSKIClick to display biography Vaclav, SMOLEŃSKIClick to display biography Bronislav, SROKAClick to display biography Leo Florian, SZWEDOWSKIClick to display biography Ignatius Mieczyslav, SZYMAŃSKIClick to display biography John Damasus, SZYMAŃSKIClick to display biography Vladislav, WIECKIClick to display biography Bernard Anthony, WILMOWSKIClick to display biography John
sites and events
KL Stutthof: In German Germ. Konzentrationslager (Eng. concentration camp) KL Stutthof (then in Eastern Prussian belonging to Germany, today: Sztutowo village) concentration camp, that Germans started to build on 02.09.1939, a day after German invasion of Poland and start of the World War II, Germans held c. 110,000‐127,000 prisoners from 28 countries, including 49,000 women and children. C. 65,000 victims were murdered and exterminated. In the period of 25.01‐27.04.1945 in the face of approaching Russian army Germans evacuated the camp. When on 09.05.1945 Russians soldiers entered the camp only 100 prisoners were still there. In an initial period (1939‐1940) Polish Catholic priests from Pomerania were held captive there before being transported to KL Dachau concentration camp. Some of them were murdered in KL Stutthof or vicinity (for instance in Stegna forest). Also later some Catholic priests were held in KL Stutthof. (more on: stutthof.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2018.11.18], en.wikipedia.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2013.07.06])
work.brp.plClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2012.12.28]
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