• OUR LADY of CZĘSTOCHOWA: st Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland; source: own collectionOUR LADY of CZĘSTOCHOWA
    St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland
    source: own collection

Roman Catholic
St Sigismund parish
05-507 Słomczyn
85 Wiślana Str.
Konstancin deanery
Warsaw archdiocese, Poland

  • St SIGISMUND: St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland; source: own collectionSt SIGISMUND
    St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland
    source: own collection
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX c., feretory, St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland; source: own collectionSt SIGISMUND
    XIX c., feretory
    St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland
    source: own collection
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX c., feretory, St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland; source: own collectionSt SIGISMUND
    XIX c., feretory
    St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland
    source: own collection
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX c., feretory, St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland; source: own collectionSt SIGISMUND
    XIX c., feretory
    St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland
    source: own collection
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX c., feretory, St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland; source: own collectionSt SIGISMUND
    XIX c., feretory
    St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland
    source: own collection
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Martyrology of the clergy — Poland

XX century (1914 – 1989)

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  • BUDKIEWICZ Constantine Romualdo, source: gazetapetersburska.org, own collection; CLICK TO ZOOM AND DISPLAY INFOBUDKIEWICZ Constantine Romualdo
    source: gazetapetersburska.org
    own collection
  • BUDKIEWICZ Constantine Romualdo; source: Roman Dzwonkowski, SAC, „Lexicon of Catholic clergy in USSR in 1917—1939 – Martirology”, ed. Science Society KUL, 1998, Lublin, own collection; CLICK TO ZOOM AND DISPLAY INFOBUDKIEWICZ Constantine Romualdo
    source: Roman Dzwonkowski, SAC, „Lexicon of Catholic clergy in USSR in 1917—1939 – Martirology”, ed. Science Society KUL, 1998, Lublin
    own collection
  • BUDKIEWICZ Constantine Romualdo, source: pl.catholicmartyrs.org, own collection; CLICK TO ZOOM AND DISPLAY INFOBUDKIEWICZ Constantine Romualdo
    source: pl.catholicmartyrs.org
    own collection
  • BUDKIEWICZ Constantine Romualdo, source: commons.wikimedia.org, own collection; CLICK TO ZOOM AND DISPLAY INFOBUDKIEWICZ Constantine Romualdo
    source: commons.wikimedia.org
    own collection
  • BUDKIEWICZ Constantine Romualdo - Just before the Moscow trial, 1923, source: wikizaglebie.pl, own collection; CLICK TO ZOOM AND DISPLAY INFOBUDKIEWICZ Constantine Romualdo
    Just before the Moscow trial, 1923
    source: wikizaglebie.pl
    own collection
  • BUDKIEWICZ Constantine Romualdo - 1923, drawing, 14x10 cm, source: polona.pl, own collection; CLICK TO ZOOM AND DISPLAY INFOBUDKIEWICZ Constantine Romualdo
    1923, drawing, 14x10 cm
    source: polona.pl
    own collection
  • BUDKIEWICZ Constantine Romualdo - Contemporary image, source: krzysztofpozarski.files.wordpress.com, own collection; CLICK TO ZOOM AND DISPLAY INFOBUDKIEWICZ Constantine Romualdo
    Contemporary image
    source: krzysztofpozarski.files.wordpress.com
    own collection

religious status

Servant of God




Constantine Romualdo (pl. Konstanty Romuald)

  • BUDKIEWICZ Constantine Romualdo - Epitaph, St Anne church, Warsaw (author: Alexander Borawski, unveiled 12.1936, nonexistent?), source: audiovis.nac.gov.pl, own collection; CLICK TO ZOOM AND DISPLAY INFOBUDKIEWICZ Constantine Romualdo
    Epitaph, St Anne church, Warsaw (author: Alexander Borawski, unveiled 12.1936, nonexistent?)
    source: audiovis.nac.gov.pl
    own collection
  • BUDKIEWICZ Constantine Romualdo - Commemorative plaque, St Anne church, Biała Podlaska, source: commons.wikimedia.org, own collection; CLICK TO ZOOM AND DISPLAY INFOBUDKIEWICZ Constantine Romualdo
    Commemorative plaque, St Anne church, Biała Podlaska
    source: commons.wikimedia.org
    own collection
  • BUDKIEWICZ Constantine Romualdo - Commemorative plaque, St Stanislaus church, Sankt Petersburg, source: ipn.gov.pl, own collection; CLICK TO ZOOM AND DISPLAY INFOBUDKIEWICZ Constantine Romualdo
    Commemorative plaque, St Stanislaus church, Sankt Petersburg
    source: ipn.gov.pl
    own collection


diocesan priest


Latin (Roman Catholic) Church RCmore on
[access: 2014.09.21]

diocese / province

Mogilev archdiocesemore on
[access: 2013.06.23]

academic distinctions

Sacred Theology Candidate

honorary titles

pontifical prelatemore on
[access: 2014.11.14]

Order of Saint Stanislav (Russian Empire) 3rd classmore on
[access: 2019.10.13]

Order of St Anna (Imperial Russia) 3rd classmore on
[access: 2019.10.13]

honorary canonmore on
[access: 2014.11.14]
(Mogilev cathedral)

date and place
of death


Moscowtoday: Moscow city, Russia
more on
[access: 2020.07.31]

alt. dates and places
of death


details of death

During World War I deputy chairman (from 1914) and chairman (from 1917) of Victims of War Support Polish Society, helping Poles stranded in Russia.

After Poland regained independence in 1918 stayed behind in Communist Russia to minister to Poles that were left behind in Russia.

From 1918 chairman of Citizens' Committee, the only Polish organisation — acting clandestinely — of Poles in Communist Sankt Petersburg.

In 05.1919 Communists searched his apartment looking for evidence of support to Polish officers travelling to Finland.

For some time went into hiding in his Polish parishioners' apartments.

In 04.1920, during so‐called Polish Operation linked to Polish–Russian war of 1920, wanted by the genocidal OGPU.

Avoided arrest.

From 08.1922 professor of a conspiratorial theological seminary in Sankt Petersburg.

On 03.03.1923 his flat was search again by the Russians and next day got summoned by Russian authorities to Moscow.

Arrived there on 05.03.1923, together with his ordinary, Abp Cieplak.

There on 13.03.1923 formally arrested.

Accused of being a secret agent for a foreign country, transgressing of state–church separation laws and of attempt to organize a conspiracy to overthrow the dictatorship of the proletariat.

Tried in the 21‐25.03.1923 show trial of Abp Cieplak and his priests.

Mac Cullag, the chronicler of the trial, noted: „Fr Budkiewicz, the most hated and sentenced to death in advance, drove the Bolsheviks to passion with his attitude. The prelate had bright, shining eyes, a full, ruddy face, always perfectly shaven, a delicate and wrinkle–free complexion like a child's complexion, a friendly smile and small, white hands. He was well–dressed, very elegant, and looked meticulous. It is hard to imagine a greater contrast than that between the priest and the dirty, long–haired people sitting in the court […] From the first sight I cast on Fr Budkiewicz, I understood why he drove the Bolsheviks to such fury that nothing but his death could satisfy them”.

The Russian prosecutor demanded the death penalty against him; thundered: „Budkiewicz — is their significant leader, organizer, guiding spirit, and besides, an agent of a foreign power — Poland”.

Sentenced to death together with Abp Cieplak.

After a few days, learned from a Russian newspaper that the sentence would be carried out — the newspaper also reported that Abp Cieplak had been pardoned and the death penalty was changed to 10 years in prison.

After reading the article, it seemed to his fellow prisoners that he was not terrified and calmly said: „Nothing. I've lived 55 years, that's enough”.

Murdered in the Lubyanka prison in Moscow with a shot in the back of the head, as the only one of the convicts.

The body was buried in an unknown place, in some cemetery.

cause of death




sites and events

Moscow (Lubyanka)Click to display the description, Trial of 21‐25.03.1923Click to display the description, Moscow (Butyrki)Click to display the description

date and place
of birth


Zubrytoday: Krāslava mun., Latvia

presbyter (holy orders)


positions held

1918 – 1923

vicar general — Sankt Petersburgtoday: Saint Petersburg city, Russia
more on
[access: 2020.07.31]
⋄ Bishop John Cieplak

1908 – 1923

dean — Sankt Petersburgtoday: Saint Petersburg city, Russia
more on
[access: 2020.07.31]
RC deanery

1905 – 1923

parish priest — Sankt Petersburgtoday: Saint Petersburg city, Russia
more on
[access: 2020.07.31]
⋄ St Catherine of Alexandria the Virgin and Martyr RC parish ⋄ Sankt Petersburgtoday: Saint Petersburg city, Russia
more on
[access: 2020.07.31]
RC deanery — also: founder of a vocational school for girls (1907) and five elementary schools; prefect and superintendent of parochial schools; translator, among others from the German textbook „Outline of Apologetics” by Dr Hermann Wedewer, Warsaw 1907

1903 – 1905

vicar — Sankt Petersburgtoday: Saint Petersburg city, Russia
more on
[access: 2020.07.31]
⋄ St Catherine of Alexandria the Virgin and Martyr RC parish ⋄ Sankt Petersburgtoday: Saint Petersburg city, Russia
more on
[access: 2020.07.31]
RC deanery — also: prefect at Rus. Павловский институт благородных девиц (Eng. Pavlovsky Institute of Noble Maidens); 1904‐1905 deputy parish priest

1896 – 1903

vicar — Vitebsktoday: Vitebsk reg., Belarus
more on
[access: 2023.01.18]
⋄ St Anthony RC parish ⋄ Vitebsktoday: Vitebsk reg., Belarus
more on
[access: 2023.01.18]
RC deanery — also: prefect of gymnasiums for boys and girls, and private 7‐grade school for girls

1894 – 1896

vicar — Pskovtoday: Pskov city reg., Pskov oblast, Russia
more on
[access: 2022.07.16]
⋄ Holy Trinity RC parish ⋄ Sankt Petersburgtoday: Saint Petersburg city, Russia
more on
[access: 2020.07.31]
RC deanery — also: prefect at schools

1890 – 1893

student — Sankt Petersburgtoday: Saint Petersburg city, Russia
more on
[access: 2020.07.31]
⋄ philosophy and theology, Imperial Roman Catholic Spiritual Academy (1842‐1918) — postgraduate specialised studies, crowned on 05.06.1893 with Sacred Theology Candidate's degree, based on Lat. „De prohabilismo” (Eng. „On probabilism”) thesis

1886 – 1890

student — Sankt Petersburgtoday: Saint Petersburg city, Russia
more on
[access: 2020.07.31]
⋄ philosophy and theology, Metropolitan Theological Seminary

others related
in death

CHODNIEWICZClick to display biography Paul, CHWIEĆKOClick to display biography Lucian, EJSMONTClick to display biography Stanislav, JANUKOWICZClick to display biography Peter, RUTKOWSKIClick to display biography Francis, TROJGOClick to display biography John, WASILEWSKIClick to display biography Anthony

sites and events

Moscow (Lubyanka): Location of a murderous Russian Cheka and next GPU and NKVD (later MVD and KGB) organisations and a prison (in the basement, with 118 cells — in 1936 — of which 94 were solitary — altogether at any time up to 350 prisoners were held there and c. 2,857 in 1937) in Moscow at Lubyanka Square where Russians interrogated and murdered many political prisoners. Most of the prisoners after investigations were transferred to other Moscov prisons, e.g. Butyrki. (more on: en.wikipedia.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2014.10.31]

Trial of 21‐25.03.1923: Show trial against abp John Cieplakow, 14 Catholic priest and one lay Catholic held on 21‐25.03.1923 in Moscow accused of „participation in a counter‐revolutionary organization aiming at counter‐acting the decree on the separation of the church from the state”, of „incitement to rebellion by superstition”. The Russian prosecutor thundered: „Any movement directed against the Soviet government is counter‐revolutionary and must be punished as such. For belonging to an organization whose essence I have explained, all defendants deserve the highest penalty”. And lo‐and‐behold abp Cieplak and Fr Budkiewicz were sentence to death, the others got from 6 months to 10 years of prison or slave labour. Fr Budkiewicz was murdered in prison. Abp Cieplak’s sentence was subsequently reduced to 10 months of slave labour and he was exchanged for Russian spies in Poland among whom was Bolesław Bierut, future first Russian governor in Commie‐Nazi Poland, conquered in 1945 by Russia. Most of the other accused were exchanged for Russian spies as well and went to Poland. At least five however did not return from prisons, concentration camps and exile, among them Fr Leonidas Fiodorov, first Greek‐Catholic exarch in Russia, who in 2001 was beatified by pope St John Paul II. (more on: en.wikipedia.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2014.11.22]

Moscow (Butyrki): Harsh transit and interrogation prison in Moscow — for political prisoners — where Russians held and murdered thousands of Poles. Founded prob. in XVII century. In XIX century many Polish insurgents (Polish uprisings of 1831 and 1863) were held there. During Communist regime a place of internment for political prisoners prior to a transfer to Russian slave labour complex Gulag. During the Great Purge c. 20,000 inmates were held there at any time (c. 170 in every cell). Thousands were murdered. (more on: en.wikipedia.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2020.05.01]


pl.wikipedia.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2014.12.20]
, katolicy1844.republika.plClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2021.12.19]
, www.polskipetersburg.plClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2019.02.02]
, pl.catholicmartyrs.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2014.12.20]
, www.polskipetersburg.plClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2019.02.02]

Fate of the Catholic clergy in USSR 1917‐1939. Martyrology”, Roman Dzwonkowski, SAC, ed. Science Society KUL, 2003, Lublin
original images:
gazetapetersburska.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2019.02.02]
, pl.catholicmartyrs.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2014.12.20]
, commons.wikimedia.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2014.12.20]
, wikizaglebie.plClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2015.04.18]
, polona.plClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2019.02.02]
, krzysztofpozarski.files.wordpress.comClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2019.04.16]
, audiovis.nac.gov.plClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2019.02.02]
, commons.wikimedia.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2014.12.20]
, ipn.gov.plClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2019.02.02]


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