• OUR LADY of CZĘSTOCHOWA: st Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland; source: own collectionOUR LADY of CZĘSTOCHOWA
    St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland
    source: own collection

Roman Catholic
St Sigismund parish
05-507 Słomczyn
85 Wiślana Str.
Konstancin deanery
Warsaw archdiocese, Poland

  • St SIGISMUND: St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland; source: own collectionSt SIGISMUND
    St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland
    source: own collection
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX c., feretory, St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland; source: own collectionSt SIGISMUND
    XIX c., feretory
    St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland
    source: own collection
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX c., feretory, St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland; source: own collectionSt SIGISMUND
    XIX c., feretory
    St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland
    source: own collection
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX c., feretory, St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland; source: own collectionSt SIGISMUND
    XIX c., feretory
    St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland
    source: own collection
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX c., feretory, St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland; source: own collectionSt SIGISMUND
    XIX c., feretory
    St Sigismund parish church, Słomczyn, Poland
    source: own collection
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Martyrology of the clergy — Poland

XX century (1914 – 1989)

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  • WERAKSIN Alexander - 1910, source: commons.wikimedia.org, own collection; CLICK TO ZOOM AND DISPLAY INFOWERAKSIN Alexander
    source: commons.wikimedia.org
    own collection
  • WERAKSIN Alexander, source: drevo-info.ru, own collection; CLICK TO ZOOM AND DISPLAY INFOWERAKSIN Alexander
    source: drevo-info.ru
    own collection
  • WERAKSIN Alexander, source: www.hrono.ru, own collection; CLICK TO ZOOM AND DISPLAY INFOWERAKSIN Alexander
    source: www.hrono.ru
    own collection
  • WERAKSIN Alexander - c. 1910, Moscow, source: catalog.shm.ru, own collection; CLICK TO ZOOM AND DISPLAY INFOWERAKSIN Alexander
    c. 1910, Moscow
    source: catalog.shm.ru
    own collection




Alexander (pl. Aleksander)


presbiter (i.e. iereus)


Eastern Orthodox Church ORmore on
[access: 2014.09.21]

diocese / province

Polotsk‐Vitebsk OR eparchymore on
[access: 2023.07.16]



date and place
of death


Cherkasytoday: Cherkasy urban hrom., Cherkasy rai., Cherkasy, Ukraine
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[access: 2024.02.27]

alt. dates and places
of death


details of death

During World War I after Russian defeat by German and Austro–Hungarian troops at battle of Gorlice in 05.1915 left Belarus — together with the nuns on Berezvech monastery and virtually all Orthodox clergy and millions of Russian officials, teachers, military personnel, etc., i.e. members of the Russian administration in Russian–occupied Poland — and went east (during a mass exodus known as bezhenstvo).

After the overthrow of tsarism in 02.1917 and after the Bolshevik coup in 11.1917, a civil war began in Russia, which lasted — together with the wars waged by the Bolsheviks with its neighbors — for almost three years. During this time, in Cherkasy, located on the right bank of the Dnieper river, power changed hands between various political and military groups seeking power in Russia or its parts, perhaps 18 times.

Murdered — hanged on the gate of his house — in 1918.

The sources do not attribute responsibility to any specific group. In 1918, power in Cherkasy was first taken over on 28.01.1918 — from the Ukrainian People's Republic UPR, established in 1917 and declared independent on 22.01.1918 — by the Bolsheviks (the so‐called Moscow Revolutionary Squad under the command of General Muravyov). They also occupied Kiev, where massacred several thousand people, including: Orthodox Metropolitan of Kiev and Halych, Vladimir. But already on 22.03.1918, the Ukrainians and the URL returned, supported by German and Austro–Hungarian troops (their participation resulted, first of all, from the first Treaty of Brest–Litovsk of 09.02.1918, in which the partitioning countries recognized the URL, granting it among others, the Chełm region, and in a secret protocol committing to establish a separate province of Eastern Galicia within the Austro–Hungarian Empire, all without the participation or consultation with the Poles; and secondly, from the second Treaty of Brest–Litovsk of 03.03.1918, when Germany and Austria–Hungary concluded separatist peace truce with Bolshevik Russia). In the summer, fighting broke out near Cherkasy between the German contingent and Bolshevik partisans (c. 6,000 of them camped in the surrounding forests). In the fall, the URL returned to full power in Cherkasy — this resulted from the defeat of Germany in World War I — to hand it over to the Bolsheviks on 25.01.1919.

The exact date of his death and, therefore, the responsibility of the perpetrators is unknown.

alt. details of death

According to some sources, on 19.05.1919 sentenced by the criminal Bolshevik CheKa organization to imprisonment in a concentration camp until the „end of the civil war”.

cause of death



Russians / Ukrainians

date and place
of birth


presbyter (holy orders)


positions held

protoiereus (Eng. first priest) — Russian Orthodox Church — dignity conferment

1915 – 1918

parish priest — Cherkasytoday: Cherkasy urban hrom., Cherkasy rai., Cherkasy, Ukraine
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[access: 2024.02.27]
⋄ OR parish

18.10.1907 – 1912

parliamentary deputy — Third Duma, State Duma of the Russian Empire — also: organizer (from c. 1905), member, chairman of the branch in Hlybokaye, member of the Main Board (since 1910), honorary member with the rights of a founding member of the Rus. „Союз Русского Народа” (Eng. „Union of the Russian People”) political organization — constituting part of the Rus. „Чёрная сотня” (Eng. „Black Hundred”) movement, espousing nationalist and conservative ideas, tsarist autocracy, opposing any changes in the system of the Russian Empire, advocating the Russification of all nationalities living in the Empire and the spread of Orthodox Christianity; author of publications in the Rus. „Земщина” (Eng. „Soil”) and Rus. „Русское знамя” (Eng. „Russian Banner”) magazines, member of the editorial board of Rus. „Книга русской скорби” (Eng. „Books" and Russian sadness”)

psalmist — Kitskovotoday: Idritsa, Sebezh reg., Pskov oblast, Russia
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[access: 2024.03.15]
⋄ St George OR church

from 1905 – 1915

chaplain — Berezvechtoday: Hlybokaye dist., Vitebsk reg., Belarus
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[access: 2021.10.09]
⋄ Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary OR church ⋄ St Peter and St Paul the Apostles OR women's monastery — also: teacher at a girls' teachers' school, author of the study „Berezvecz Monastery. Historical Sketch” (1910)

from 03.1897

parish priest — Porechetoday: Plisa ssov., Hlybokaye dist., Vitebsk reg., Belarus
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[access: 2024.03.15]
⋄ Ascension of the Lord OR parish — appointment: 11.02.1897, ministered in the churches of the Dzisna and Švenčionys counties of the Vilnius Imperial Governorate, managing district schools; previously a psalmist in the Polotsk and Vitebsk eparchy


presbiter (Eng. priest, i.e. iereus) — Russian Orthodox Church — priesthood cheirotonia, i.e. ordination

till 1894

student — Vitebsktoday: Vitebsk reg., Belarus
more on
[access: 2023.01.18]
⋄ philosophy and theology, Orthodox Theological Seminary

till 1988

pupil — Polotsktoday: Polotsk dist., Vitebsk reg., Belarus
more on
[access: 2023.01.18]
⋄ Orthodox Theological School



drevo-info.ruClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2024.03.15]
, ru.wikipedia.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2024.03.15]
, nmbook.ruClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2024.03.15]
, martyrs.pstbi.ruClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2024.03.15]

Hierachy, clergy and employees of the Orthodox Church in the 19th‐21st centuries within the borders of the Second Polish Republic and post–war Poland”, Fr Gregory Sosna, M. Antonine Troc-Sosna, Warsaw–Bielsk Podlaski 2017
original images:
commons.wikimedia.orgClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2024.03.15]
, drevo-info.ruClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2024.03.15]
, www.hrono.ruClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2024.03.15]
, catalog.shm.ruClick to attempt to display webpage
[access: 2024.03.15]


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