• OUR LADY of CZĘSTOCHOWA: St Sigismund church, Słomczyn; source: own resourcesMATKA BOŻA CZĘSTOCHOWSKA
    kościół pw. św. Zygmunta, Słomczyn
    źródło: zbiory własne

Roman Catholic parish
St Sigismund
05-507 Słomczyn
85 Wiślana Str.
Konstancin deanery
Warsaw archdiocese

  • St SIGISMUND: St Sigismund church, Słomczyn; source: own resourcesSt Sigismund
    St Sigismund church, Słomczyn
    source: own resources
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX century, feretry, St Sigismund church, Słomczyn; source: own resourcesSt SIGISMUND
    XIX century, feretry
    St Sigismund church, Słomczyn
    source: own resources
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX century, feretry, St Sigismund church, Słomczyn; source: own resourcesSt SIGISMUND
    XIX century, feretry
    St Sigismund church, Słomczyn
    source: own resources
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX century, feretry, St Sigismund church, Słomczyn; source: own resourcesSt SIGISMUND
    XIX century, feretry
    St Sigismund church, Słomczyn
    source: own resources
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX century, feretry, St Sigismund church, Słomczyn; source: own resourcesSt SIGISMUND
    XIX century, feretry
    St Sigismund church, Słomczyn
    source: own resources

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Data for 1943–1947


II Republic of Poland


Horochów pov., Volhynian voiv.


Lokachi rai., Volyn obl., Ukraine

general info

locality non—existent






Number of victims:







events (incidents)

ref. no:






general info


The Ukrainians murdered an unknown number of Poles. It is known about 33 victims / incomplete number /.

source: Żurek Stanisław, „75th anniversary of the genocide – July 1943”; in: portal: Volhynia — web page: wolyn.org [accessible: 2021.02.04]

source: Siemaszko Ewa, Bereza Tomasz, „July 1943 in Volhynia

I saw that everyone had gone behind the barn. There we saw a sight beyond words. It was Monday, July 12, 1943. Polish farms in the colony named Zapust are burning. It was one and a half kilometers from our Wólka. There was a small village of Krzemieniec between Zapust and our village – there were The Ukrainians – there was silence. At first we thought that the fire was carried by the wind, but after a while we saw that the buildings were lit up against the wind and we could hear people screaming, cattle roaring and terrible barking of dogs, plus single shots. Dad and uncle said at the same time: „They are murdering Poles, what to do, in a few minutes they will be murdering us. Let's go to Mr. Kowalczuk – we will learn something” there. Izydor Kowalczuk was a Ukrainian, but he was a very smart, educated, rich man, he stayed with Poles more. He had no company with the Ukrainians. Before the war of 1939, he was the head of the commune of Chorów. When he saw his father and uncle in his backyard, he said with horror: „Gentlemen, run away, load the most necessary things on the carts and run away. A band of Banderites murders everyone without exception. I am also leaving”. He lived in a Ukrainian village, but the first buildings from our village were separated only by a road, it was easy to get to. When Father and Uncle were coming back, they told all the neighbors that we were leaving. We started loading on carts. We had two carts, three horses and two 6–month–old foals, three cows and a one‑year‑old heifer, pigs, sheep, chickens, dogs. All of this was left unattended. Grain supply – close to a hundred quintals, all agricultural tools: reapers, threshers, grain cleaners, sash bags, furniture, utensils – all this was taken by the Ukrainians  […] The whole village, all the carts were on the road ready to depart. The sentries saw someone running from the side of the fire. They thought they were bandits. After a few minutes, they realized that someone was escaping. Indeed, it was a young boy, 18, Tadeusz Kicki. The bandits murdered his parents and sister. He hid in the crop, dislocated his leg while running to our village, and somehow he reached us on a stick. My mother entered the apartment again, took the Cross off the wall, went out onto the road, crossed the entire transport with her Cross, sat on the cart and we set off. After a few minutes, they realized that someone was escaping. Indeed, it was a young boy, 18, Tadeusz Kicki. The bandits murdered his parents and sister. He hid in the crop, dislocated his leg while running to our village, and somehow he reached us on a stick. My mother entered the apartment once more, took the Cross off the wall, went out onto the road, crossed the entire transport with her Cross, sat on the wagon and we set off. After a few minutes, they realized that someone was escaping. Indeed, it was a young boy, 18, Tadeusz Kicki. The bandits murdered his parents and sister. He hid in the crop, dislocated his leg while running to our village, and somehow he reached us on a stick. My mother entered the apartment again, took the Cross off the wall, went out onto the road, crossed the entire transport with her Cross, sat on the cart and we set off.

source: Żurek Stanisław, „75th anniversary of the genocide – July 1943”; in: portal: Volhynia — web page: wolyn.org [accessible: 2021.02.04]

source: Fr Adamowicz Leszek, „Escape from Volhynia. Memories of Aniela Kuźmińska née Konsowicz, b. January 2, 1928, d. May 2, 2009, until 1943 ordered Wólka Markowicka, last residence in Brodzica near Hrubieszów”, Poviat Council in Jarosław

All Poles escaped from Zapust, except Marian and Stefania Kuźmiński, who had six children, the oldest of whom was 13 years old. During the night, the children were taken to the Ukrainians they knew, and they slept in the corn. When they went to fetch the children in the morning, they did not find anyone in the house, neither them nor the children. Most likely, someone reported that the Ukrainians were hiding Polish children and were murdered with them. Most likely, they were taken to the church in Kisielin and murdered there. It was a very common practice then used by UPA thugs, who probably could not stand that they did not manage to murder all Poles in the Kisielińska temple, and some of them defended themselves in the presbytery. When the Kuźmiński family did not find their children, they came to Zaturzec. He's tearing his hair out.

source: Żurek Stanisław, „75th anniversary of the genocide – July 1943”; in: portal: Volhynia — web page: wolyn.org [accessible: 2021.02.04]

source: Witwicki Roman, „Let our pain not die with us”; in: Koprowski Marek A, „Volhynia. The epic of Polish fate 1939-2013”, in: Act III, Warsaw 2013, p. 376

Siemaszko et Siemaszko  […] report that in the colony Zapust in July 1943 the UPA hacked Wacława Markowska, 35, the wife of the blacksmith Józef and their two preschool children with axes. Markowski saved himself by hanging from the ceiling beams of the basement, thanks to which he was not noticed by the murderers.

source: Żurek Stanisław, „75th anniversary of the genocide – July 1943”; in: portal: Volhynia — web page: wolyn.org [accessible: 2021.02.04]

source: Siemaszko Władysław, Siemaszko Ewa, „The genocide perpetrated by Ukrainian nationalists on the Polish population of Volhynia 1939 - 1945”, in: Warsaw 2000, p. 149





number of


at least 33

min. 33

max. 33


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  1. Lack of info about the perpetrators in the description of a given event (Incident) indicates that the blame should be attributed to the perpetrators listed in general info section.
  2. The name of the site used during II Republic of Poland times indicates an official name used in 1939.
  3. English contemporary name of the site — in accordance with naming conventions used in Google Maps.
  4. Contemporary regional info about the site — if in Ukraine than in accordance to administrative structure of Ukraine valid till 2020.
  5. General explanations ⇒ click HERE.
  6. Assumptions as to the number of victims ⇒ click HERE.