• OUR LADY of CZĘSTOCHOWA: St Sigismund church, Słomczyn; source: own resourcesMATKA BOŻA CZĘSTOCHOWSKA
    kościół pw. św. Zygmunta, Słomczyn
    źródło: zbiory własne

Roman Catholic parish
St Sigismund
05-507 Słomczyn
85 Wiślana Str.
Konstancin deanery
Warsaw archdiocese

  • St SIGISMUND: St Sigismund church, Słomczyn; source: own resourcesSt Sigismund
    St Sigismund church, Słomczyn
    source: own resources
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX century, feretry, St Sigismund church, Słomczyn; source: own resourcesSt SIGISMUND
    XIX century, feretry
    St Sigismund church, Słomczyn
    source: own resources
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX century, feretry, St Sigismund church, Słomczyn; source: own resourcesSt SIGISMUND
    XIX century, feretry
    St Sigismund church, Słomczyn
    source: own resources
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX century, feretry, St Sigismund church, Słomczyn; source: own resourcesSt SIGISMUND
    XIX century, feretry
    St Sigismund church, Słomczyn
    source: own resources
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX century, feretry, St Sigismund church, Słomczyn; source: own resourcesSt SIGISMUND
    XIX century, feretry
    St Sigismund church, Słomczyn
    source: own resources

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Data for 1943–1947


II Republic of Poland


Włodzimierz Wołyński pov., Volhynian voiv.


Volodymyr-Volynskyi rai., Volyn obl., Ukraine

general info

locality non—existent






Number of victims:







events (incidents)

ref. no:






general info


The UPA from neighboring villages murdered over 30 Poles whose bodies were burnt in a barn; 80‑year‑old Nowakowska was taken out of her house and had her head cut off on a stump. Leokadia P (born 1935): „That day I was grazing cows with my grandmother and sister Teresa. Grandma noticed a fire from a distance and said she had to go home and find out what was going on. at that time, my mother was taking the most necessary things / things from home to the field. She took me and Teresa. We lay down in the field between the rye fields and watched the house. after a while we heard a shot and my mother shouted: «Children, run away, because I'm already injured». We stood up and saw a man in a military uniform and boots of officers standing several meters away. He had a rifle in his hands and was pointing in our direction. We ran away to rye. The man started shooting after us. I heard that my grandmother, hiding nearby, began to wheeze, I think she was injured. We continued to sit quietly and the bullets fell next to us. after a while we heard footsteps and then from where Mom lay a dull sound of impact. We figured this man had killed mom. Then he left. There was silence. Krysia's older sister started screaming: «Mother, mother!» and ran behind possesion's bounds. Teresa and I ran after her, we noticed that my mother had a broken head. She was already dead. We waited in the field until it got dark. Krysia took us to P. / The Ukrainians living in the village /. after a while / came / The Ukrainians on horseback started shouting for everyone to leave the house with their documents. a Ukrainian, P. said that she could only hide Krysia. She told me and Teresa to take her older sister into the field. after some time, two The Ukrainians on horseback found us. They led us past P.'s house and asked whose children they were. Suddenly our father was there and shouted that his. Then the Ukrainians started kicking and hitting my father. They ordered him to walk quickly in front of them. Father screamed that we cannot keep up. They led us to the yard of N.'s farm. There was a whole bunch of The Ukrainians with scythes, axes and pitchforks. I saw the Ukrainians dragging Grandma N from the basement. She was over 80 years old, she did not walk, the Ukrainians dragged her along the ground. They put her head on a log and chopped it off with an ax. I was terrified. They took my father to the stable. One of the Ukrainians approached us. In him, I recognized my parents' acquaintance  […] . I asked him not to kill us. He looked at us and turned to the gang leader: «Let's not kill them, someone else catches them and will finish the job». The commander told him to ask us if we were Polish or Ukrainian. We replied that Polish women. Then he shouted: «Then take them!». A friend took Teresa to the stables and then came back for me. I entered the stable and saw a pile of dead bodies, several dozen bodies. I was hit on the head, I passed out. I woke up the moment the stables started to burn. I started screaming «Daddy! Terenia!». Father didn't say anything. Tereska spoke up, said that she was cut with an ax by the cross and that she could not run away. She shouted at me: «Run away alone, Lodya!». I dragged myself out on my knees, everything was on fire. I crawled into the garden and fell asleep there. In the morning I ran to P  […] My older sister took care of me”.

source: Żurek Stanisław, „75th anniversary of the genocide – July 1943”; in: portal: Volhynia — web page: wolyn.org [accessible: 2021.02.04]

source: Odonus Barbara, „Summer 1943”; in: „Card”, in: No. 43 /2004/

Kazimierz Kobylarz (born in 1928) remembered July 12, 1943 very well — he was fifteen then.
The nearby village of Maria Wola, bordering on Ułanówka, started to burn. My sister and her friend Martykówna went there to see a seamstress to try on some costumes. But she never came back  […] We ran away from the farm: my father, mother, nephew, me and my older brother Tadzik and brother Staszek. We ran downstairs to the crops. We hid there”.
After some time, Kazimierz Kobylarz's father decided to return home with his mother and nephew. On the way, they were stopped by a Ukrainian with a rifle and Kulisz's Ukrainian neighbor. Kazimierz and his brothers crawled to the German cemetery located near their home.
Suddenly we hear our father scream:
— «O Jesus Maria!!!».
And I think so twice he shouted and silence. There was no shot. In a moment we hear a Ukrainian voice:
— «I davshchob cona perekynulas».
Something like that. And there was a shot. We haven't heard about my nephew. So when there was that shot and my father shouted, we crawled from under that German cemetery to help my father. In the meantime, we walk along the road that goes near Kulisz  […] And we hear the croaking of spokes, horse riders, and a whole cavalcade of them rides. We stopped in this crop three or five meters from that road. We fell, brother ordered us not to even breathe loudly. They passed and you could see them sitting on carts, they had rifles, pepeses, you could see the barrels  […] When they passed, we crawled along the road and went up the hill to the farm  […]
The brother noticed that my father was lying murdered  […] We are looking for a mother. Mother was lying in front of the house, she probably hid, and left when she heard him scream, apparently she wanted to help him. And she got it. There was a bullet [points to his right cheek] and in this place it came out [raises his left hand to the level of his left ear]. She was lying on her back. We didn't find the nephew, we were looking for him. He probably ran away to grain when he was nine years old
The threat grew, and after a while the gunfire began. Kazimierz and his brothers had to flee again. He found out about his parents' burial place and the fate of his nephew years later:
Sikorska [a neighbor] told me how she had brought my parents from Kalinowski, that they were hiding them as they could: they dug a hole, put them in a sheet. And he says:
— «This Bolus» — my nephew — «I found it in the grain. He was shot in the ankle. And when he died, he was holding corn in his hand».
I think he died of exhaustion, of blood loss

source: Żurek Stanisław, „75th anniversary of the genocide – July 1943”; in: portal: Volhynia — web page: wolyn.org [accessible: 2021.02.04]

source: Pękała Rafał B., „Bery kosu, bery niż i na Lacha… ”, accounts of the survivors of the Volhynia massacre; in: portal: 1943. Volhynia crime. Truth and memory. — web page: zbrodniawolynska.pl [accessible: 2021.04.11]

After a while she saw a Ukrainian acquaintance, still from Izów on the Bug river, now also living in Ułanówka Kulisz. He walked along the road through our colony and led Poles: old Kobylarz, his wife and their granddaughter Bolesław, approx. 7 years old  […] As soon as they left the main road to the road leading to their home, Kulisz treacherously threw himself at the old Kobylarz violently twist or even break his hands. Then he also started breaking his legs when Kobylarz tried to break away from the torturers, another Ukrainian named Taszak, Kobylarz's neighbor, hit him hard on the head with an ax, cutting it almost in half. One half of the head along with the brain fell immediately on the road, with the other one, dying Kobylarz, about 75 years old, managed to run 14 rows of potatoes before he fell to the ground  […] Two hours before the attack on our colony, Ukrainian torturers murdered almost the entire Polish family named Advent, who lived a bit away from us, actually right next to the forest. The bandits raided their house at noon when they were all having dinner together. Unexpectedly and violently they burst into the house and put the whole family at the table, then took them one by one from the table and put them one by one against the wall, killing with arrows. First, they shot 7 sisters this way, and then their parents. After the slaughter, they set fire to the house and farm buildings when they left the house. The biting smoke of the burning house awakened one of the shot sisters, although she was the first of all to be shot, she miraculously survived the massacre under the bodies of the others, who then fell on her. Being badly injured, with the last of her strength, she scrambled out and fled to the forest that was right next to their house.

source: Żurek Stanisław, „75th anniversary of the genocide – July 1943”; in: portal: Volhynia — web page: wolyn.org [accessible: 2021.02.04]

source: Roch Sławomir Tomasz, „Recollections of Marian Sikorski from the Ułanówka colony in the district of Włodzimierz Wołyński in Volhynia”; in: portal: Volhynia, in: 2003 — web page: wolyn.org [accessible: 2022.04.06]





number of


at least 30

min. 30

max. 30

ref. no:






general info


[The Ukrainians] hacked 56‑year‑old Andrzej Centner with an ax.

source: Żurek Stanisław, „75th anniversary of the genocide – July 1943”; in: portal: Volhynia — web page: wolyn.org [accessible: 2021.02.04]





number of



min. 1

max. 1


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  1. Lack of info about the perpetrators in the description of a given event (Incident) indicates that the blame should be attributed to the perpetrators listed in general info section.
  2. The name of the site used during II Republic of Poland times indicates an official name used in 1939.
  3. English contemporary name of the site — in accordance with naming conventions used in Google Maps.
  4. Contemporary regional info about the site — if in Ukraine than in accordance to administrative structure of Ukraine valid till 2020.
  5. General explanations ⇒ click HERE.
  6. Assumptions as to the number of victims ⇒ click HERE.