• OUR LADY of CZĘSTOCHOWA: St Sigismund church, Słomczyn; source: own resourcesMATKA BOŻA CZĘSTOCHOWSKA
    kościół pw. św. Zygmunta, Słomczyn
    źródło: zbiory własne

Roman Catholic parish
St Sigismund
05-507 Słomczyn
85 Wiślana Str.
Konstancin deanery
Warsaw archdiocese

  • St SIGISMUND: St Sigismund church, Słomczyn; source: own resourcesSt Sigismund
    St Sigismund church, Słomczyn
    source: own resources
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX century, feretry, St Sigismund church, Słomczyn; source: own resourcesSt SIGISMUND
    XIX century, feretry
    St Sigismund church, Słomczyn
    source: own resources
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX century, feretry, St Sigismund church, Słomczyn; source: own resourcesSt SIGISMUND
    XIX century, feretry
    St Sigismund church, Słomczyn
    source: own resources
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX century, feretry, St Sigismund church, Słomczyn; source: own resourcesSt SIGISMUND
    XIX century, feretry
    St Sigismund church, Słomczyn
    source: own resources
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX century, feretry, St Sigismund church, Słomczyn; source: own resourcesSt SIGISMUND
    XIX century, feretry
    St Sigismund church, Słomczyn
    source: own resources

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Data for 1943–1947


II Republic of Poland


Brzozów pov., Lwów voiv.



Rzeszów cou., Subcarpathia voiv., Poland






Number of victims:









Number of victims:







events (incidents)

ref. no:







general info


Polish translation of the information by Fyłyp T. Wasylowski about the murder of Ukrainians in the village of Łubno included in the collection „Jarosław and Beyond the San river regions” from 1986:
In the spring of 1944, Polish terrorists murdered an inhabitant of Łubno, Łewkowycz, while working on the railway”.

source: „Łubno”; in: Siwicki M., „The history of Polish-Ukrainian conflicts ”, in: Warszawa 1994, vol. III, p. 299—303

source: Huk Bogdan with a group of friends, „Murders of the Ukrainian population 1944-1947”; in: portal: Ruthenian apocrypha — web page: www.apokryfruski.org [accessible: 2021.09.30]





number of



min. 1

max. 1

ref. no:






general info


Fragments of the anonymous denunciation sent from Częstochowa to the WUBP in Rzeszów about the members of the Home Army murdering Ukrainians in Łubno:
I hereby inform you that I have already sent two reports of the same and similar content to the Poviat Public Security Office in Brzozów about the incidents and facts that occurred in the Łubno cluster, Brzozów Poviat from 1945 to the present [...]
Point 2. Rest Wojciech, Czernik Alojzy and Myćka Izydor (Łubno upper) took an active part in the murder of the Wołownik Michał family. [It] consisted of five people. Clothes and shoes have been kept by the father of this bandit, Czernik Michał  […]
Point 3. Czernik Alojzy, Myćka Izydor and Poczynek Wojciech murdered Łazor Mikita with his wife and Brewko Pelagia and two women who were returning from Germany against the background of the theft., repatriates, the bodies of the above–mentioned 5 people are in the well of Hryćko Melania (Upper Łubno).
Point 4. Czernik Alojzy, Myćka Izydor and Poczynek Wojciech murdered three men of the repatriates returning home, ie [to] Nozdrzec, and were murdered in Łubno by the farm buildings. The items [by the murdered] were distributed among themselves after the murder, and then they came to a party that was held at the school yard.
Point 5. And the same ones murdered Sidor Piotr. He was taken away from the work he was doing for Kos Piotr (Łubno upper). The clothes left by the murdered are at Czernik Michał's. And the same ones murdered Nuta Laufer, a Jew from whom only 800 zlotys of cash were taken.
Point 6. The same murdered two women from Łubno, who were leading a horse home. They were murdered on the border between Łubno and Futoma  […]
Point 7. Bogusz Andrzej, son of Jakub, murdered a young bride, that is, a fiancée of Russian nationality, with whom he returned from Germany  […]
Point 8. Zajek Leon, residing in Łubno and Dymczak living in Łubno (Łaniska) murdered 5 female repatriates who were returning to the village of Hłudno and 3 men from Wara, Brzozów poviat, also repatriates, and 2 men from Bartkówka, Brzozów poviat  […] The bodies of the murdered are buried in a forest in Łaniska. As I know, both perpetrators were notified twice by MO from Dynów to run away from the house for some time

source: „Report”, 14 XI 1947; in: Institute of National Remembrance IPN Rzeszów, in: Acta OAIPN Rz 00141/332/J, sh. 1

source: Huk Bogdan with a group of friends, „Murders of the Ukrainian population 1944-1947”; in: portal: Ruthenian apocrypha — web page: www.apokryfruski.org [accessible: 2021.09.30]

Protocol of the interrogation of the witness Józef Potoczny by the PUBP investigating officer in Brzozów regarding the murder of Ukrainians in Łubno by members of the Home Army:
At the end of the summer season in 1945, I do not remember the exact date, my son Adam was walking to the store in the morning and when he came home, he told me that something had happened to uncle Mikita Lazor, because the windows in the house were broken and Poczynek Wojciech walks around the house with a gun. Later, school children told that the peasant and the woman were lying in a well near Hryćko's house.
I do not know exactly, but I heard that Myćka Izydor and Czernik Alojzy ordered the Kuster Jan and German Walenty to cover blood and fill Hryćka's well. Brewka Wasyl cleared blood in the yard.
At the same time, two days sooner or later, I don't remember exactly, Brewczycha was murdered and she was also thrown into Hryćka's well. Then, Łazor Mikita's farm was taken over by Poczynek Wojciech and he sold the things from the house, and he sold the wood in the forest, about half an acre of forest was sold for construction wood, which was owned by Łazor Mikita. Part of this wood was taken by Poczynek to Czernik Michał in Łubno, which he then left and it lays there. Bilski Bronisław used to say to my wife that now Czernik Stanisława, mother of Czernik Alojzy, was saying that I and Bilski Bronisław «must now be damned». I would like to explain that Czerczka has been angry with me since April 1947, it is because I did not let the Poczynek sell the farms left by Łazor Mikita

source: „Report from the questioning of the witness J. Potoczny”, 28 XI 1947; in: Institute of National Remembrance IPN Rzeszów, in: Acta OAIPN Rz 107/772, sh. 12

source: Huk Bogdan with a group of friends, „Murders of the Ukrainian population 1944-1947”; in: portal: Ruthenian apocrypha — web page: www.apokryfruski.org [accessible: 2021.09.30]

Protocol of the interrogation by the PUBP investigating officer in Brzozów of the witness Piotr Kiełbasa about the murder of Ukrainians in Łubno by members of the Home Army:
Question: — «What do you know about the murders committed on people in the village of Łubno?»
Answer: — «I know that there were murders in the village of Łubno, and this: in the early summer of 1945, Mikita Łazor from Łubna and his wife were murdered, at night, and in the morning the son of Potoczny Józef from Łubno and Maria or Adam, he saw how Poczynek Wojciech from with a gun and did not let anyone into the house of Lazors, and the bodies of the murdered were thrown into the well in the Hryćki field, because this well was filled in on one or the other night. The body of the murdered Brewczycha (I do not know her name) is also to be located in the same well.
At that time, they walked openly with weapons and attacked: Myćka Izydor, Sieńko Józef, Poczynek Wojciech, Czernik Alojzy. They were visited by Kustra Walenty from Futoma, Rybka Michał from Futoma, and in their company came Głud Adolf and Rząsa Stanisław, Mazur Edward, Karnas Stanisław, all of them from Futoma, but whether the latter three went to robbery with the above mentioned ones, I do not know.
In the summer of 1945, three people who were returning from Germany were murdered. The fourth of them stayed overnight in the house of Potoczny Józef in Łubno and this individual survived. It was on a Sunday, but I don't know because I haven't seen it. On that day there was a festival in Łubno. As people said, before the festival began, when three people from Germany were walking, they were followed by Poczynek Wojciech and Czernik Alojzy and Znak Piotr, and there, in the farm in Łubno, they murdered those returning from Germany. This is what Fuks Walenty was supposed to see, who lives in Łubno near the manor house and knows where the murdered people are buried. On that day, Mycka Izydor, Czernik Alojzy, Poczynek Wojciech, Znak Piotr were at the event in the evening, but they were without long weapons, they could only have pistols with them.
At the beginning of March 1945, a group of armed people came, in various military clothes and civilian, with a strength of around 60. They came in carts from the Przemyśl–Krosno road and circled the village of Łubno. This gang murdered on that day about 20 people of Ukrainian nationality and robbed their property, such as clothing and cattle. They took it all on carts and drove towards Dynów, but it is not known where, because when they left it was getting dark. These bandits legitimized everyone in the village, so whoever was of Ukrainian nationality shot him immediately. The following were murdered: Wołowcy, three children, Graudus and his son, Pudło Stefan, I don't know any more names

source: „Protocol from the questioning of the witness P. Kiełbasa”, 28 XI 1947; in: Institute of National Remembrance IPN Rzeszów, in: Acta OAIPN Rz 107/772, sh. 13

source: Huk Bogdan with a group of friends, „Murders of the Ukrainian population 1944-1947”; in: portal: Ruthenian apocrypha — web page: www.apokryfruski.org [accessible: 2021.09.30]

Polish translation of information by Fyłyp T. Wasylowski about the murder of Ukrainians in the village of Łubno included in the collection „Jarosław and Beyond the San river regions” from 1986:
On July 28, 1944, the Red Army entered Łubno. Here they organized the so–called 'spare regiment'. One of the tasks of this regiment was to catch young boys and, after a brief acquaintance with the weapons, send them to the front. About 30 boys were taken from Łubno. Their trace was lost. The rest were hiding in forests and other hideouts. After the departure of the Soviets, the Poles again began bandit actions against the Ukrainians. In the morning of March 7, 1945, armed Polish bands from the neighboring villages of Harta, Futoma, Wyrobiska, Wesoła and others, under the command of local Poles, began to rob and murder the Ukrainian population. Divided into groups of 10–15 people, they surrounded several huts, robbed anything that could fall into their hands, and men who did not run away or hide were killed on the spot. The local Poles played a double role: they murdered themselves and indicated Ukrainian huts to strangers. It also happened that a Pole murdered his Ukrainian neighbor. In order not to be recognized, they put on masks. Among the local Poles, the following people participated in the murder of Ukrainians: Alojzy Czarnik, then 26 – years old, Izydor Myćka – 25 years, Józef Kustra – 22 years (Ukrainian mother), Kiełbasows, Żaczków, Kruczków, Chromiak, Józef Sieńko, Poczyniak (a newcomer from the east) and others. The main leader of the Polish bandits in Łubno was Michał Barć (now an official of the district office in Brzozów) and his assistant was Izydor Fuksa. The terror in the village lasted about a month. At that time, Poles murdered about 90 people in Łubno, mainly men. Most people were murdered on March 7, 1945, when the Ukrainians, who were unexpectedly attacked, did not have time to hide. There was no question of any kind of self–defense. The Ukrainians had no weapons, no one expected such shameful barbarism on the part of the Poles. There was a hunger among the Ukrainians because the Poles robbed everything, even potatoes from the cellars. The situation was getting dangerous. Terror, killings and hunger continued  […]
One had to make a decision: stay in the village, leave for the unknown to the USSR. It was decided to leave. On April 15, 1945, the Soviets sent the boats and took the terrorized Ukrainians from Łubno to Sanok, and from there by train to the vicinity of Tarnopol. They only left with what they were wearing, as all their belongings were stolen by Poles  […]
Efforts were made to destroy everything that was Ukrainian. The church and the belfry were demolished, and the stone was used to build the road. A communal office and a school were located in the presbytery. The 'Proświta' house was demolished, the material was taken by the inhabitants of Ulanica. The huts of Ukrainians and their farms were taken by local Poles or newcomers from the east. Quarrels and fights were the order of the day, as everyone wanted to get the best part. For example, Jan Gołąb, who was killing the Ukrainians with his hoe and arguing with Andrzej Kiełbasa over the field of Mychajła Pudła. One day Kiełbasa killed Pigeon by hitting him with an ax on the head  […] In Łubno, in the barn of Oleksa Trojan, the bandits found Maksym Andrus, Semen Brewko, Ivan Trojan, Hryhorij Wołownyk, Paweł Wasińek, and Bohdan Dorocki was pulled out of the stables of the Greek Catholic presbytery. They beat them all, tied their hands with barbed wire, and threw them, half alive, into the San.
While in Przemyśl in 1964, I had the opportunity to talk to an eyewitness to the beating of Hryhorij Wołowuk. They were so fearful that it was to look at. On March 13, 1945, a few Polish bandits came to the hut of Petr Wołownyk. One of the bandits caught Volovynk and shouted:
— «Why don't you go to Ukraine?»
— «Nobody told me to go there» — replied P. Wołownyk.
Then the angry bandit stabbed Wołowuk a few times with a knife, and then shot him, his wife and daughter. Józef Kustra, who indirectly participated in the murder, was the son of a Pole and a Ukrainian. As a young boy, he often visited his neighbor, Peter Wołowuk, played with the children, spoke Ukrainian, more often than Polish. Later, under the influence of the Polish priest (chauvinist) Majkowski, he became a bitter enemy of the Ukrainians.
Izydor Myćka, son of Jan (near Magura) cruelly murdered 45‑year‑old Semen Kocełka, broke his arms and ribs. Kocełka kissed his boots and begged him not to kill him, but that didn't help. He shot the massacred  […] Wife with seven children survived  […] Mykita Łazor with his wife and daughter were killed by Poles and thrown into an empty old well  […]
After the Ukrainians were displaced from Łubno, the following remained in Mychajła Wołownyk's hut: daughter Melania and son Paweł (both crippled), worker Ewa Wasińko (55 years old) and Julia Łewkowycz (cripple, Melania's relative). At night, bandits came and ordered people to go to Ukraine. Józef Kustra, mentioned above, who came with the bandits, said he would take them to Dynów, where there would be a truck that would take them to Ukraine. They put the cripples on the cart. On the way, the unfortunates saw that they were not going to Dynów, but to the abyss called Rosocha, overgrown with bushes. Ewa Wasińko tried to escape, she was shot first, and then the rest.
Some of them were not killed, left half alive, they groaned terribly in pain. Then Jan Gołąb came from Łubienka and killed them with a hoe. Some Ukrainians did not want to leave the land of their great–grandparents and stayed in the village saying «what will be, will be». Poles searched the huts and when they found someone, they killed him. This is how: Stepan Brewka, Iwan Wasińko (Piotr's son), Mykhailo Łazor died  […]
After the end of the war, some Lubnians returned from Germany to their native village. Poles made ambushes on the road from Dynów to Łubno and murdered the returnees, and they took what they were carrying with them. One of these Poles was Ignacy Niepoń from Kazimierzówka. In such circumstances, the following died: Mykhailo Trojan, Petro Sydor, Mykhailo Burdasz and others. Nestor Łazor, a student of the Ukrainian gymnasium in Jarosław, was murdered by Poles near Dynów when he was returning from Jarosław to his native village. Some of the murdered Ukrainians — Lubnians — lie in a common grave in the cemetery, and others somewhere in the field, on the site of their death.
While visiting his hometown in 1964, I saw Wasyl Andrus, who was severely beaten by Poles in 1945, but not killed because he had a Polish wife. He looked very haggard. Pale, dry, reticent, mentally unstable, haunted by a mania of fear, it seems to him that someone is looking for him and wants to kill him. Mychajło Dudka from Dynów, also married to a Pole, was in a similar condition. I tried to talk to him, but he did not respond to my questions and comments. The Poles put him on a cart, beaten and bloodied, drove him along the streets of Dynów and pointing at him, sneered:
— «Look how a Ruthenian looks like».
I also accidentally visited in Dynów. A beautiful, brick church of St. Georgiy, built in 1910 on the site of a wooden one from 1814, was demolished by the Poles at the behest of the Department of Culture in Rzeszów around 1963 on the accusation that the Bandera followers kept weapons in it. In Dynów, the Poles murdered three Prokop brothers — Stepan, Myron and Jurek. Jurko was in the Polish Army in 1939, he took part in the defense of Warsaw against the Germans  […]
Attacks on Ukrainians in Łubno and other villages, murdering Ukrainians, it was not a private matter or some accounts of individual people. It was a wide–ranging and organized action by the official Polish authorities against the Ukrainian population. This is confirmed by the fact that within 30 days of the murders, robbery and indescribable terror, no authority has stopped this bandit, barbaric action, has not organized the protection of the defenseless Ukrainian population, has not introduced order and order in the village or villages. The local torturers still boasted about the shameful deed, they were proud of him. And they were not punished by the Polish people's government for their bandit actions  […]
Barbaric deeds, killings, plunder, displacement of the ancient indigenous people from their native land will remain the black page of Polish history for centuries, an eternal disgrace for Poles, especially those from Łubno

source: „Łubno”; in: Siwicki M., „The history of Polish-Ukrainian conflicts ”, in: Warszawa 1994, vol. III, p. 299—303

source: Huk Bogdan with a group of friends, „Murders of the Ukrainian population 1944-1947”; in: portal: Ruthenian apocrypha — web page: www.apokryfruski.org [accessible: 2021.09.30]

List of Ukrainians from Łubno murdered by various Polish armed formations prepared by Zenowij Trojan:
List of Ukrainians who died in 1945 in the village of Łubno:
Mykoła Łazar, Kateryna Łazar, Iwan Grandus, Nestior Iwanowycz Grandus.
Thrown alive into the fire:
Teodor Brewko, Mykyta Łazor, Marija Łazor.
Andrij Pudło, Stepan Brewko, Iwan Wasenko, Semen Kocełko, Mychajło Łazor, Stepan Szewczuk, Petro Wołownyk.
Drowned in San river:
Iwan Trojan, Ołeksa Trojan, Semen Brewko, Hryhorij Wołownyk, Maksym Andrus, Pawło Wasenko, Dorocki.
Buried in a hurry in the bushes in Łubno:
Chrystyna Wołownyk, Hanna Wołownyk, Mełanija Wołownyk, Pawło Wołownyk.
Martyred in Dynów:
Jewa Wasenko, Julija Łewkowycz, Nestro Łazor, Pyłyp Kozdryń, Nestor Pyłypowycz Kozdryń.
Danyło Trojan, Andrij Wasenko, Petro Pudłyk, Wowczak, Pudłyk, Mykoła Burdasz, Trojan, Kocełko, Petro Sydor, Mychajło Trojan.
Died in Wolodź:
Pavlo Trojan, Onuphriy Lazor, Volodymyr Lazor, Andriy Brewko, Vasyl Brewko.
Strangled in the forest:
Onufrij Wołownyk, Wasyl Wołownyk, Wołodymyr Wasenko, Mychajło Sydor, Wołownyk

source: „v. Łubno”; in: Sływka J. (ed,), „Deportaciji. Zachidni zemli Ukrajiny kincia 30—ch – poczatku 50—ch rr. Dokumenty. Materiały. Spohady.”, in: Lviv 2002, vol. 3: „Memoirs”, p. 79

source: Huk Bogdan with a group of friends, „Murders of the Ukrainian population 1944-1947”; in: portal: Ruthenian apocrypha — web page: www.apokryfruski.org [accessible: 2021.09.30]





number of



min. 27

max. 27

ref. no:






general info


Fragments of the anonymous denunciation sent from Częstochowa to the WUBP in Rzeszów about the members of the Home Army murdering Ukrainians in Łubno:
I hereby inform you that I have already sent two reports of the same and similar content to the Poviat Public Security Office in Brzozów about the incidents and facts that occurred in the Łubno cluster, Brzozów Poviat from 1945 to the present [...]
Point 1. In 1945 [in the document: 1946], Łazor Katarzyna from the Łubno (upper) commune was murdered in her own house. In the murder took part: Kiełbasa Jan  […] from Łubno  […] and Kustra Paweł, who are now living in Futoma

source: „Report”, 14 XI 1947; in: Institute of National Remembrance IPN Rzeszów, in: Acta OAIPN Rz 00141/332/J, sh. 1

source: Huk Bogdan with a group of friends, „Murders of the Ukrainian population 1944-1947”; in: portal: Ruthenian apocrypha — web page: www.apokryfruski.org [accessible: 2021.09.30]





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min. 1

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general info


March 20, 1945, Brzozów — Fragment of the report of the district commander of the MO in Brzozów about the murder of Ukrainians in Łubno:
I report that on February 27, 1945, several dozen unknown individuals entered the Łubno group and committed a series of robberies against the population of Ukrainian nationality. The population, mostly men, fled to the forest in panic. The perpetrators of the robbery, as they were armed with firearms, shot after the escapees, and as a result there were corpses, and as I have found out, their number is 18 people who were buried in the local cemetery  […]
The next morning, that is on 18th of this month, we reported to the command of the Soviet operational group, from where we wanted to go to the scene of the crime, i.e. to Łubno  […] Indeed, after half an hour, the inhabitants of the Łubno community (Ukrainians) began to come crying and complaining, declaring that the murders were perpetrated by the crowd made by the militia from the Dynów Post  […]
County Commandant of the Citizens' Militia, sergeant Suwałki

source: „Situation report of the Investigation Department of the Citizens' Militia MO in Rzeszów No. 7 of March 8, 1945”; in: Institute of National Remembrance IPN Rzeszów, in: Acta OAIPN Rz 0057/16/1, sh. 55

source: Huk Bogdan with a group of friends, „Murders of the Ukrainian population 1944-1947”; in: portal: Ruthenian apocrypha — web page: www.apokryfruski.org [accessible: 2021.09.30]

1945 March 29, Brzozów — Fragment of the situational report of Stanisław Bućek, the elderman of Brzozów, for the Provincial Office in Rzeszów for March 1945 concerning the murder of Ukrainians in Łubno:
On March 7, 1945, several dozen armed individuals entered the Łubno group and carried out a number of robberies there against Ukrainians. The population fled to the forest. As a result of the shooting, 18 people from the local Ukrainian population died”.

source: State Archive in Rzeszów, in: UWRz sygn. 373, sh. 14

source: Huk Bogdan with a group of friends, „Murders of the Ukrainian population 1944-1947”; in: portal: Ruthenian apocrypha — web page: www.apokryfruski.org [accessible: 2021.09.30]

Protocol of the interrogation of the witness Józef Potoczny by the PUBP investigating officer in Brzozów regarding the murder of Ukrainians in Łubno by members of the Home Army:
In the early spring of 1945, a group of armed men, military men, came. And they murdered the Ukrainian population and robbed their property, but I do not remember the names of those murdered to this day. I remember when people said that about 15 people were murdered”.

source: „Report from the questioning of the witness J. Potoczny”, 28 XI 1947; in: Institute of National Remembrance IPN Rzeszów, in: Acta OAIPN Rz 107/772, sh. 12

source: Huk Bogdan with a group of friends, „Murders of the Ukrainian population 1944-1947”; in: portal: Ruthenian apocrypha — web page: www.apokryfruski.org [accessible: 2021.09.30]





number of



min. 18

max. 18

ref. no:






general info


[The Ukrainians] abducted 6 Poles, whose traces have not been found.

source: Żurek Stanisław, „Calendar of the genocide – March 1945”; in: portal: Volhynia — web page: wolyn.org [accessible: 2021.02.04]





number of



min. 6

max. 6


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  1. Lack of info about the perpetrators in the description of a given event (Incident) indicates that the blame should be attributed to the perpetrators listed in general info section.
  2. The name of the site used during II Republic of Poland times indicates an official name used in 1939.
  3. English contemporary name of the site — in accordance with naming conventions used in Google Maps.
  4. Contemporary regional info about the site — if in Ukraine than in accordance to administrative structure of Ukraine valid till 2020.
  5. General explanations ⇒ click HERE.
  6. Assumptions as to the number of victims ⇒ click HERE.