• OUR LADY of CZĘSTOCHOWA: St Sigismund church, Słomczyn; source: own resourcesMATKA BOŻA CZĘSTOCHOWSKA
    kościół pw. św. Zygmunta, Słomczyn
    źródło: zbiory własne

Roman Catholic parish
St Sigismund
05-507 Słomczyn
85 Wiślana Str.
Konstancin deanery
Warsaw archdiocese

  • St SIGISMUND: St Sigismund church, Słomczyn; source: own resourcesSt Sigismund
    St Sigismund church, Słomczyn
    source: own resources
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX century, feretry, St Sigismund church, Słomczyn; source: own resourcesSt SIGISMUND
    XIX century, feretry
    St Sigismund church, Słomczyn
    source: own resources
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX century, feretry, St Sigismund church, Słomczyn; source: own resourcesSt SIGISMUND
    XIX century, feretry
    St Sigismund church, Słomczyn
    source: own resources
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX century, feretry, St Sigismund church, Słomczyn; source: own resourcesSt SIGISMUND
    XIX century, feretry
    St Sigismund church, Słomczyn
    source: own resources
  • St SIGISMUND: XIX century, feretry, St Sigismund church, Słomczyn; source: own resourcesSt SIGISMUND
    XIX century, feretry
    St Sigismund church, Słomczyn
    source: own resources

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Data for 1943–1947


II Republic of Poland


Luboml pov., Volhynian voiv.


Liuboml rai., Volyn obl., Ukraine

general info

locality non—existent






Number of victims:







events (incidents)

ref. no:






general info


The UPA and Ukrainian peasants from nearby villages murdered about 250 Poles with axes, pitchforks, poles and other tools, 213 victims are known by name; they filled the whole wells alive, wounded or already dead; for example, Jaszczukowa with 5 daughters was thrown into a well alive. Janina Prończuk and her two sons were cut off their heads when they were a few years old. The baby named Sacharuk was killed by hitting his head against the wall of the house – his christening took place on that day. „On August 30, at night, there was a terrible rattle on the window of «Vidchivyya skare!» [Open up! Now!] Dad was in the attic and mom opened it. Perhaps ten of them came in. «Lamps». Out of fear, my mother could not find the matches. He shouts «Skarej! Wychody!». [Faster! Get out!] They banished us to the entrance hall and asked, «What about your man?». and mom noticed the ax. Sister Kasia, who was 16 years old, began to ask «Dzieduniu, do not hit us, what we did to whom, do not beat». I heard it and my ears rang and I collapsed without memory. Mom got hit in the forehead. The skull cracked, but the brain never got through. and my sister was cut in half with the blade. but the first round did not smoke, it only killed. I don't know what a miracle it was that they didn't drag us to the well. Because all the wells were littered with dead bodies. Before the second round came to smoke, mom woke up and picked up Kasia, and she was dead. He picks me up and I move. but I don't remember anything. A terrible pool of blood came down.. The house was already on fire. My mother dragged me to the garden in potatoes and was supposed to take Kasia out, but the whole house was already on fire. Kasia burned. Dad jumped into the beetroot and lay there and saw the neighbor being dragged to the well, and all the wells were full of dead bodies. Mom with me on her back further and further into the field. There was a nice millet. She was already so weak that she could not carry me. And lying in this piglet, mum hears a loud buzz: «If you find it, hit it!». and I don't remember anything, I was unconscious and she stuck her head in the ground so as not to see how they would kill. So much blood drained, and she must have fallen asleep from exhaustion. She woke up, the birds are singing, the cows are roaring, the sun was shining beautifully. Mom started crying loudly «Where's my Kasia !?» And I woke up. I looked at my mom, only blood on my face. And a crust of blood on the dress. He raises his head to see if there is someone. I am already awake and I am dragging my mother to the ground. and mum says that we can't sit here, that we have to look for people, maybe they didn't beat everyone up and head up. And Papa saw that someone was in the piglet and was rushing to see who, and he took us in his arms and said that the skull was cut in half, but he didn't know which one of us. He says «I have pulled all the bodies out of the well. and Chuniowa's neighbor says that she saw your Mary carrying one of the girls and running into the field, and she was sitting in the peas with her children, then look in the field, maybe alive or maybe dead». And he found us, but Kasia did not find us. He collected the bones and buried them in the garden. And they are still there today”.

source: Żurek Stanisław, „The 75th anniversary of the genocide – August and the summer of 1943”; in: portal: Volhynia — web page: wolyn.org [accessible: 2021.02.04]

source: Sawicka Stefania nee Macegoniuk, Ewa Siemaszko's archives; in: portal: Dziennik złożony — web page: dziennik-zlozony.pl [accessible: 2022.02.28]

Father Kazimierz Prończuk from Kąty near Lubomlo, 4 km from the Jagiellonian church from 1412 where he was baptized. Born on April 17, 1932. There were ten of them at home. A wealthy family, where my father built a large house under a tin plate – there were gardens and an orchard and a lot of arable land. He started school in Kąty. The war interrupted family happiness. On August 31, 1943, the UPA together with the Ukrainians from the neighboring huts – murdered and burned Kąty. Over 300 people were murdered, including the Prończuk family. A father, two brothers and two sisters survived. Kazimierz, an eleven‑year‑old boy with his father and brother, broke coffins in Luboml – their loved ones, and two days after the murder – they went to collect the martyred corpse of the mother's siblings. The remembered sight was terrible – a mother and young children, beaten with axes, were placed on a bench, leaning against a pear tree, and the bodies of the beaten children were placed on her lap. The Ukrainians mocked that it was a monument to the Polish Mother! He saw all this and the murder scenes hidden near the house. They were buried in chests, in the cemetery in Lublin, from the road. My father experienced this ordeal in such a way that in a few weeks he suffered paralysis of his legs and then, in the fall of 1943, he died in Luboml out of longing for his lost family. In 2012, during his eleventh trip to Poland from Argentina, Father Kazimierz took us to Luboml to the mounds with the bones of his relatives and there he told scenes from the murder and burial. It was the most tragic story I have heard about those murdered in Volhynia. In 2012, during his eleventh trip to Poland from Argentina, Father Kazimierz took us to Luboml to the mounds with the bones of his relatives and there he told scenes from the murder and burial. It was the most tragic story I have heard about those murdered in Volhynia. In 2012, during his eleventh trip to Poland from Argentina, Father Kazimierz took us to Luboml to the mounds with the bones of his relatives and there he told scenes from the murder and burial. It was the most tragic story I heard about the murdered people from Volhynia.

source: Żurek Stanisław, „The 75th anniversary of the genocide – August and the summer of 1943”; in: portal: Volhynia — web page: wolyn.org [accessible: 2021.02.04]

source: Kołtun Krzysztof, „Remembrance of Father Redemptorist Kazimierz Prończuk” — web page: www.rymacze.pl [accessible: 2021.04.11]

Witness Władysław Tołysz: „We saw even more drastic scenes in Kąty. I saw my colleague murdered, and at the same time a wonderful student. His name was Prończuk. When the Bandera followers were murdering his mother, he rushed to help her. The torturers chopped off his arms and legs and placed him on a stool. He died from the loss of blood. The Ukrainians also murdered the village of Czmykos. It was a Ukrainian settlement, but had a Polish colony. A dozen or so young inhabitants managed to escape the knives and axes of the torturers. The elders were slaughtered. The Ukrainians murdered, among others Jakubowska's teacher whom I knew and many others”.

source: Żurek Stanisław, „The 75th anniversary of the genocide – August and the summer of 1943”; in: portal: Volhynia — web page: wolyn.org [accessible: 2021.02.04]

source: Tołysz Władysław, „The easiest loot for criminals”; in: Koprowski Marek A, „Volhynia. The epic of Polish fate 1939-2913”, in: Act II, Warsaw 2013, p. 225





number of


c. 250

min. 250

max. 250


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  1. Lack of info about the perpetrators in the description of a given event (Incident) indicates that the blame should be attributed to the perpetrators listed in general info section.
  2. The name of the site used during II Republic of Poland times indicates an official name used in 1939.
  3. English contemporary name of the site — in accordance with naming conventions used in Google Maps.
  4. Contemporary regional info about the site — if in Ukraine than in accordance to administrative structure of Ukraine valid till 2020.
  5. General explanations ⇒ click HERE.
  6. Assumptions as to the number of victims ⇒ click HERE.